Part 6: Senior and Junior

Panda: Alright, now we’ve kicked out Sassu, so we’re ready to go! Time to put Panda’s photos and videos to good use!

Kokona: Was it okay to ask Sasuga-chan to leave, though?…

Panda: It’s fine, she said Kathrin’s allowed her to stay in your room. So, what kind of video should we make?

Kokona: What kind of video, huh… I don’t have much experience with videos, actually…

Panda: Don’t think about it too hard! Just say if you want it to look cool or fun. Or to resemble a manga or a movie or something!

Kokona: Got it. Then… I’d like to make something heartwarming. Something that makes you smile.

Panda: Sounds good. Then, let’s try going for a warm and nice picture-book-like feeling.

Kokona: Yes! That would be great. Thanks, Panda-chan.

Panda: Too early to thank me yet! Next up, let’s choose material.

Panda: Here are the photos from our rehearsals. Woah, look. I’ve got a folder with the photos from the audition to join the troupe, too.

Kokona: W-wait, don’t open it! It’s too embarrassing!

Panda: Hey. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, you know. Oh, and these are from that time we were hanging out in Ueno.

Kokona: That takes me back! Remember going to the zoo with Yae-chan?

Panda: Of course. Feng-Feng was so incredibly cute…

Kokona: And we had such a delicious meal at a local cafe. I took Kathrina-chan and Shizuka-chan to that cafe afterwards too.

Panda: You did?

Kokona: Yeah! I also tried taking selfies the way you taught me. That said, it didn’t work out well at all…

Panda: Then, next time we should all go together! Here are the photos from the New Year! And here from the time we went skating.

Kokona: Wow, you really have all sorts of photos here.

Panda: Coz you never know when they might come in handy~ See, now we can use them for our project.

Kokona: Yup! Panda-chan, you’re such a great help!

Panda: It's embarrassing, when you say it straight to my face! Come on, let’s see what fits best in the video.

Kokona: Ah~ Each one of them brings back so many memories, I could talk about them all day.

Panda: Right. I didn’t even notice it was already past midnight.

Kokona: What?! It’s this late already?! Sorry for the trouble, Panda-chan!…

Panda: No, it’s fine, don’t worry! I often stay up late when working on something.

Panda: Well, time to get to editing. First, we should decide on the sequence.

Kokona: …Yae-chan looks so dazzling in her role on this photo.

Panda: You bet! Just being in the same play as her surely would make you nervous.

Kokona: Yup. I could feel it at the auditions to join the troupe.

Kokona: Even in Arabian Nights and The Phantom of the Opera I was a little anxious to be performing with Yae-chan.

Kokona: After all, it was thanks to her I got to join Sirius at all.

Panda: Really, Koko-chan, you’re very fond of Niizumacch, aren’t you.

Kokona: Ehehe… But it’s not just her.

Kokona: When we first met, Kathrina-chan said, “I don't want to share a room with her,” but now we’ve become rivals on equal footing.

Kokona: And Sasuga-chan has so many hobbies aside from acting, doesn’t she? I try to learn from her, because she always tries something new.

Panda: That would make them both blush if they heard it.

Kokona: Fufu, that’s true. And, you know, Panda-chan.

Panda: Yes? What is it?

Kokona: …when Kathrina-chan and I were in trouble, you would always talk to us and try to support us.

Panda: Huh?!

Kokona: Even today you lent me a hand, didn’t you? But that’s not all, you help me all the time.

Panda: It’s not like that, Panda’s just meddling of her own accord! Besides, you know, in Sirius Panda is considered your senior!

Kokona: Even so, you do help me a lot. I’m very grateful for that, Panda-chan.

Panda: Uuuugh!~~ Panda’s not used to facing this much praise! You’re making me feel awkward, please, stop!

Kokona: Fufu, sorry for making you uncomfortable. But I really wanted to say it.

Panda: Oh well… But it doesn’t feel bad to be thanked.

Panda: …Panda’s also glad to have you as her junior. Of course, that goes for Kathrin too.

Kokona: Good to know! I’m also happy we have such great seniors as you guys.

Panda: …

Panda: Well, no time to be basking in joy though!

Panda: What’s left is some minor stuff, so you can go sleep on Sassu’s bed.

Kokona: It’s fine! I’m not sleepy at all. Tell me, if there’s something I can help with!

Panda: Help, you say? Hmm. I’m used to editing videos, so I don’t really need much help…

Kokona: Then, I’ll go get something to drink. Best to make something warm, right?

Panda: That’s true… Then, could you, please, do it for me?

Kokona: Of course! I’ll be right back, Panda-chan.

Panda: Oh dear…

Panda: No way you can compromise on the quality of your work, when your cute junior is this thankful…

Panda: Look forward to it, Koko-chan. I’ll make a video all of Sirius will enjoy watching!..

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Pub: 06 Aug 2024 19:07 UTC
Edit: 03 Oct 2024 14:07 UTC
Views: 117