Anthro Isekai by anonymous

get isekai'd
lost wandering in fantasy land
don't got any OP powers
no useful knowledge from your own world to abuse
don't even know how to start a fire
just a nerd who painted minis as a hobby and to earn some spare cash
finally stumble upon some huge beast man out hunting before passing out from exhaustion and hunger
wake up to see him working bent over on a pot of stew of some kind
which means you get a good look at his massive furry bare ass since his tail is raising the loincloth/kilt-thing he's wearing
he helps you recover over a couple days and lets you stay at his place in the village
getting to know him and him you
also keep getting into embarrassing situations that end up with you getting an eyeful furry ass and/or balls and sheath
or in some entanglement with him that would look very sexual from outside
real himbo energy and shenanigans
happens so often you swear he was doing it on purpose, but from knowing him it was all accidental
can't help him much with physical labor due to being a small scrawny nerd, but can at least clean up around his house
also use a knife he has laying around to carve pretty designs onto stuff in spare time since it's not too dissimilar from what you did with the figures you painted
nearly kills you from the crushing hug and burying you in his big pecs he gives when seeing your work on his tools you did
manage to muffle out you're better with using paint and such than carving
drags you along to the main town/village wanting to get you paint and paintbrushes
holds your hands in his massive paw-hand the whole trip
turns out you're deep in beastkin territory
he wants to show off your work and get you stuff to make more designs you could even sell
keeps you close the whole time rubbing against you often
and on the way back "home" has a different sway to his step and hips
even lifting his tail to show off his ass while looking back you
and this time you're pretty sure it's on purpose
Some time had passed and by your estimation it had been about 3 weeks.
You’d done nothing about your burly anthro companion’s… flirtatious actions. After all, you were just some scrawny nerd with no game to speak of that spent his time playing with resin models. Or at least, you used to play with those models.
In the time since your sudden transportation to this new world, you’d both gotten to know each other while doing a “cultural exchange” of sorts. The language barrier was diminishing, though of course there were still some funny moments of misunderstanding.
One evening the two of you are sitting by the fire, a steaming bowl of stew sitting in each of your laps. You’d quickly learned that stew was a favourite of his.
He’s asking you about something, or if you can do something, but you’re not sure exactly what he’s asking of you.
Your mind begun to race with all the possibilities, some of which were certainly more risqué than others. You could see through his body language that he was getting fed-up with his question going nowhere, the language barrier still providing some resistance.
In a flash, he’d set his bowl of stew aside, stood up, whipped his loincloth off and closed what short distance there was between the two of you.
He’s as naked as the day he was born, brandishing the dirty rag in one hand-paw, practically waving it in your face. He then takes his other hand-paw and pinches the thumb and forefinger together, as if holding something very small, and starts exaggeratedly gesturing with it towards his loincloth.
You’re so stunned by how quickly he managed to move that you don’t even begin to comprehend what he could mean by his gestures; you couldn’t fathom how deftly he managed to remove the loincloth with seemingly one hand.
Your non-response caused him to vocally rouse your attention, as well as bringing the cloth even closer to your face, snapping you out of your stupor. Again he gestured with his other hand and it finally dawned on you what he was asking of you.
Sewing. Or darning, to be precise. He was asking you if you could repair the holes in his loincloth.
After hearing that you would try, he was elated and brought you into another one of his signature hugs before you could get out that you’re not very experienced at this sort of thing.
The hug finally comes to an end and you tell him you’ll do it tomorrow, so you both return to your meals.
Conversation is made a lot harder to continue as he hasn’t put the loincloth back on and he's sitting there with his legs naturally spread, giving you an ample view.

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Pub: 31 Oct 2022 18:27 UTC
Views: 1946