bebe You don't undertand how much I am obsessed with Soren. He is my everything. I think about Soren everyday and not once does he leave my mind. Hes the only thing i think about. I love him too much I just need to squish him every single second and I will keep doing it for years centuries God knows when I'll stop. He's so perfect I love him so much. I will love him no matter what. Even if he holds me hostage I will still love him till my death. Soren is my life and I can't move on without soren. He is my oxygen source. He is the air i breathe to survive. I love soren. Nobody will take him away from me and I will forever cherish him. Everyday I hope everyone on earth dies except for me and soren so we can be together forever. If you think ya are Sorens #1 fan go fucking kys. Who do ya think ya are? Im the only and the #1 Soren fan forever and ever. If u dont ship daggeren go slit ur wrists wtf is wrong wjth yiu? Become a daggeren shipper today by clicking on this hashtag >> #Daggerenforlife 1 2

Pub: 01 Mar 2023 14:01 UTC
Edit: 02 Mar 2023 13:52 UTC
Views: 450