»A love like blood«

Bruno/Zeke, I know you will find or read this eventually, quit being a creep and stop stalking me and my friends.

Bang bang bang. You're getting it everywhere.

BYI ew it's still moving..

I have a low social battery I will a͟l͟m͟o͟st͟ never interact first. I make KMS/KYS jokes (sometimes detailed) so please tell me if they make you uncomfortable I am a OSDD system with over 100 alters, many of my alters are introjects from media. Treat them as you would any other person. I'm bad at conversation and may come off as dry unless a friend is there interacting with me as well. Please don't take this as me not liking you. I'm neurodivergent and struggle with tone, please be patient I IRL multiple characters from media, if this makes you uncomfortable or if you are going to be rude it's best you don't interact. I use sarcastic humor a lot, if you would prefer tone tags please tell me. I am psychotic and delusional Dinner time. Clean that up!

I'm still hungry. DNI I can't find it...

Basic DNI Criteria If you reality check or fakeclaim people If you support or willingly interact with people who are problematic or proship. Anti-xenogender and neopronouns Funny Valentine and Stroheim fans or supporters.

»'Til the fearless come and the act is done«

CHOMP! Do you need a bandage?

Pub: 01 Aug 2023 07:19 UTC
Edit: 20 Dec 2023 07:45 UTC
Views: 228