Charlie Makes An Asshole Of Himself |
The interior of the shop was very modern. Everything in the back was glass and stainless steel, meticulously maintained. The others were busy, milling about and trying to manhandle some of the crates without dropping them. There was something off about them, but Charlie couldn’t quite put a claw on what.
“Hey Charlie, did you get the code?’ Hagerd asked, his voice oddly nasally.
Charlie looked over at the orca and did a double-take.
His muzzle was longer, almost comically so, and so heavy it drooped at the tip. Hagerd's nostrils hadn't expanded at all. The orca cleared his throat rather wetly. His nose began to twitch violently, stretching further down his face. Hagerd opened his mouth, eyes wide, sucked in a heavy breath. And then he sneezed. It sounded like a fart.
The blast seemed to pull his elongated muzzle further down his face, touching the top of his chest. Hagerd reached up, looking embarrassed, and felt his nose. The ram’s eyes flickered in surprise, then horror, then confusion. He used his fingers to lift his nose, his breath hard, like it was heavy. His nose swayed as he held it aloft and spoke.
“Thorry. Mtht be the dutht in the air.” Hagerd said.
Charlie couldn’t help but notice Hagerd’s mouth seemed to have pulled up toward his elephantine nose, giving it a puckered look. His upper lip had lost its distinction and was right beneath the still-twitching nose. Hagerd sneezed again and his drooping muzzle formed a rounded tip, the nostril-holes seeming to close.
“Uh...yeah, sure. Dust.” Charlie said, feeling confused and frightened.
The ram let the brown-furred appendage drop. It obscured his mouth. Whatever he said next was muffled. Charlie thought the whole thing rather strange and moved over to the safe. It was against the wall, next to some crates. Prince Gregory was nearby, standing on tippy-pads to gather jars of cologne from the shelves and placing them in a straw-padded crate.
“Hello Charles,” Gregory said as the wolf crouched down to inspect the safe.
“Hey,” Charles said, trying to concentrate. What had the number been?
“I think I bit my tongue,” The mink said, and Charlie watched the mink swish his tongue around inside of his mouth, “Can you check it out?”
Charlie sighed impatiently and set down his tools. “Alright, open up.”
The mink did, opening his mouth wide and sticking out his tongue.
Charlie stared in shock. What had once been a light pink flat tongue was now deep red, cylindrical and round with a pointed tip. It even curved a bit, flopping out of the mink’s muzzle. Now that he was looking, the Prince’s bottom jaw seemed oddly loose as well.
“Looks...swollen,” Charlie said, staring at the mink’s tongue with concern. “We’ll visit a healers after this.”
Gregory nodded, reaching up a paw and stroking his tongue. He shivered, eyes going cross, as though it felt rather nice. The tongue seemed to swell a bit more under the mink’s touch.
“Thorry,” Gregory lisped, slurping up some drool as he played with his tongue, “It’th tho thenthitive. Tathtes weird too.”
“I’ll bet.” Charlie said, blinking at it.
The Prince returned to his task, his tongue still poking from his lips. Charlie took a calming breath and went back to dealing with the safe. His mind raced as he tried to remember the code. 07-04-73. Ha! He remembered! The wolf reached out and dialed in the proper configuration.
As he did, a tingle shot through his claws and up to his head. Charlie shook and shuddered, fur standing on end. The tingle faded and his fur settled back into place. Weird. He opened the safe and paused, flexing fingers that had suddenly gone a bit stiff.
Charlie took a moment to rub his face, which began to tingle pleasantly. He wriggled his muzzle, feeling it droop a bit. It felt strangely sensitive to his touch, perking when he stroked it. His mind whirred and he didn’t notice his dark fur grow longer, glossier, a white stripe running down his stomach.
He placed the contents of the safe into a crate, his hands growing increasingly useless. Finally, with a crack, they popped backwards, bones re-configuring. Charlie stared stupidly at the paws his hands hand been replaced with. He wiped his nose, which was drooling something onto his belly.
“Gregory,” He croaked, “can you Pppbbrt?”
A foul smelling burp erupted from Charlie’s mouth. He swished his tongue about, face crinkling in distaste. It smelled like a skunk, though his sense of smell was growing fainter. His tongue throbbed and he gasped, nose perking again as a pleasurable sensation shot to his brain.
“Ohh..urpppbt!” Charlie moaned, another foul smelling burping leaking from his mouth.
His stomach was churning somewhat fierce, but Charlie’s mind was fuzzy. Something heavy was growing from his forward, something oddly droopy like his nose. Everything felt all mixed up. Something was wrong.
Charlie felt his shoulders swell up around him, wobbling as they grew. Beneath him, his crotch was tenting and splitting his pants apart. His feet were quickly becoming dexterous hands. With a thump, Charlie fell backwards before his former legs lifted him onto his former hands…now nothing more than cute little footpaws.
He dangled between two furry legs that had been his arms. Far above him, he could see a head forming out of his cock. As the decidedly skunkish muzzle formed from the cockhead, Charlie finally realized what was happening. He was inverting!
Prince Gregory walked over to Charlie on his hind legs. Charlie blinked, staring at the crotch of some kind of ferret. Gregory’s face was completely disfigured, A tail and a pucker where his forehead and nose should be. The reddened head of his...tongue wobbled erect from his sheathe-like mouth, two thick balls jostling where his lower jaw should be.
Gregory’s tongue jiggled and bounced, glistening as a slit opened on the tip. Charlie’s mouth throbbed at the sight of the tongue. For some reason, he was feeling oddly empty. An inverted paw descended from above Gregory and it touched the tip of his tongue. The tongue flared and twitched violently, thick gobs of an off-white fluid splattering warmly on Charlie’s face.
Charlie watched in horror as the last of Gregory’s head was absorbed into the crotch of the new, twinkish ferret. The cock head at the top of the body opened its eyes and sighed, caressing it’s length happily. Crack and crunches punctuated the air as the cockhead became a furry ferret’s boyish face.
With a low slurping sound, Charlie felt his own head being sucked up between the globular asscheeks his shoulders had transformed into. The anatomy of his face shifted, his nose-cock and balls swapping with his mouth-anus. Nothing made sense, everything was upside down and wrong.
He could see the others milling around, no longer taking the goods from the shelves, but playing with their genitals. Hagerd was now a twinky otter. Gregory had become a ferret, Charlie was sure he was becoming a skunk, and in the far corner was a rather plump chicken where the kobold had once been.
“Sorry for the confusion, boys.” Geoffrey’s new voice came from the doorway.
With bleary eyes that desperately wanted to close, Charlie stared as the skunk walked in, grinning. He set down an empty jar onto the counter. Charlie’s heart sank. He hadn’t! The stupid bear had chugged the entire jar. And now, Nicolas was fully in charge.
“We won’t be packing up my shop. In fact, we’ll be staying here. Permanently.” Nicolas smiled.
Charlie tried to protest, but only managed to blew a raspberry through his puckered mouth. His tongue had settled on the floor of his new anus-tube and throbbed pleasantly. The skunk turned to Charlie and smiled.
“Ah, yes.” The skunk conjured a mirror. “I think you look better this way, don’t you?”
Charlie stared.
Where his face had been was a pink puckered anus. It was impossible of course. Curiously, he clenched a few times, making his pink rim wink and relax in the reflection. That-that was impossible! But he couldn’t deny how different he felt. He was completely suspended in place, subject to the pressure shifting around the outside of his body, now just a single ring of muscle and flesh. Just another part of a very cute skunk boi’s body.
Nicolas licked his finger and brushed it across Charlie’s body. It rubbed over ever wrinkle and crevice, curling itself into a hook and stroking the flesh tenderly. Charlie’s pucker winked and spasmed involuntarily at the pleasant touch. He could feel his ring plump and throb with delight, the pink flushing into a light red under that gentle caress.
He was an asshole.
It was undeniable now.
And it felt oddly right.
Charlie lost himself in the sensations as the finger pressed through his tight ring and into the warm heat of his rectum. He squished and yielded like a natural anus, unable to really resist beyond clenching. The little anus was trapped, unable to move as the skunk’s finger sank into his hole up to the knuckle.
He closed his eyes and suckled at the finger as it probed him. It bumped his tongue, sending more shivers and tingles through him. The finger bumped it again and again, and Charlie relaxed, letting more and more fingers inside of him. His inner walls massaged those fingers as warmth began to build deep inside of him.
“Doesn’t that feel good?” Nicolas asked, continuing to massage Charlie’s prostate.
“Yes daddy,” A voice above Charlie said.
Worry passed fleetingly through what little remained of Charlie’s mind. He felt so good, so stretched and full. A small fart escaped Charlie’s loosened lips. Nicolas waved a paw in front of his face and giggled, continuing to work his fingers in and out of Charlie’s wrinkled hole. Then the fingers pulled out.
He could feel the mephit’s hot breath washing over his rim before a firm, wet tongue brushed over his form. The sensation of being lapped was multiplied a hundredfold because all his sense and nerves were clustered in just one area. Charlie had no choice but to focus on it, the twinky skunk’s asshole was his whole world now.
Nicolas’ cold snout pressed wetly against his pucker. His hot, wet tongue assaulted Charlie’s entire body. There was no mercy as the mephit snorted and ground his tongue deep inside of him, cleaning out every nook and cranny of his insides. Drool slathered him, Charlie’s world a mess of squelching and pleasure, making him quiver in delight.
The skunk above him moaned and Charlie flexed and tensed involuntarily. He felt the legs squirm and kick, paws flexing as they wound around Nicolas’ midsection, pulling him deeper. Again, Charlie felt himself clenching on the slimy invader against he will.
Wait, he wasn’t even in charge?
The tongue curled, rubbing his prostate and sending explosions of pleasure through his mind.
Nicolas continued to probe his body, tongue pressing and shifting his flesh. Charlie felt himself relax, opening up and stretching pleasantly around that tongue. The texture of it plowing through his ring was too much, his mind blanking with delight. But all he could do was twitch and clench, sometimes not even voluntarily. He felt the twink press his rump back into Nicolas’ maw, clearly oblivious to Charlie’s presence.
With a final curl that made Charlie scream in silent pleasure, the tongue withdrew.
Cold air assaulted him, the wet saliva slathered on his wrinkled form quickly cooling. Then a burning hot tip of what had to be a cock throbbed warmly between the twink’s cheeks. Charlie could feel it probe him, his muscles involuntarily opening, though it merely circled his rim. The broad tip covered his pucker as it lined itself up.
Charlie tried to brace himself, but there was nothing to brace against as it ruthlessly plunged forward in a single, powerful motion, spreading him wide open as his flesh yielded. His entire body felt like it had caved in and then squelched apart, stretching him oh-so-wonderfully, lighting every nerve on fire. The cock sank in to the senseless abyss far below his entrance.
Above him, the twink groaned.
The cock bottomed out, Nicolas’ sack slapping the twink’s ass wetly. Then he pulled out, before thrusting back in again. Again and again, the skunk dom drove his cock into Charlie’s opening. More moans came from both parties as Charlie was stretched over and over again.
For Charlie, the cock was his everything now. His whole body burned and ached so nicely from it. Charlie found himself gripping and squeezing that fat cock as it pumped in and out of his former mouth. The stimulation was overwhelming. Minutes of pure bliss went by, his body rocked and jostled by the big skunk dick.
Then, with a thrust, Charlie felt the cock plunge deep inside of him. Nicolas grunted and his cock pulses and flexed wildly. Charlie gripped it, massaged the load deeper inside him as hot thick cum shot from the tip. He could feel each shot of cum trickle far back inside of him.
His twink came too, and this time his mind was truly blown. As the skunk climaxed, his body spasmed. Each pulse of the twink’s orgasm had him contracting rhythmically. He clenched and squeezed and couldn’t think of anything else but the pleasure and the fullness.
Then Nicolas pulled out with a soft squelch, hot cum trailing off the tip of his dick to where it oozed from the center of Charlie’s wrinkled form. His body naturally closed, but the twink clenched him shut even tighter, clearly intent on leaving the load inside of him. Still, Charlie drooled cum, barely able to keep a coherent thought in his mind after the full-bodied fucking.
If that had been it, Charlie would have been satisfied.
But then he felt fingers enter him, new ones, and he was stretched open and fucked. His mind grew blurry from all the stimulation. He could no longer keep track of what was happening. When the lutrine cock had finished, he’d barely recovered, only for a different cock to take his place. He was rimmed, fingered, spread, stretched over cocks and dildos and anal beads.
It all blended together in a long line of an endless, pleasurable session.
There was very little of Charlie that wanted to go back to being a wolf after it. But finally, the orgy (had to have been) was over. He could feel the twinky skunk’s legs shifting and stretching around him. The tail that had been hitched up to allow his partners better access was lowered. Cool air against his pucker vanished, replaced with a pleasant and oddly familiar warmth and he was covered.
The skunk stood and walked towards something. Pressure increased and he was jostled some more. He felt the mephit roll into bed, the pressure released, and the weight lifting. The blankets covered him and he was in the dark. Trapped in a crevice between two perky cheeks. Just a normal-if a bit stretched and leaky-asshole.
Hours went by for the former wolf throbbing under the skunk’s tail.
Nicolas was spooning their body, his cock pulsing just at Charlie’s entrance. His mind was tired and his new body even more so. He was a virgin and that quick round of stretching had only delayed the onset of some serious soreness. The pucker quivered as Nicolas prodded him gently in his sleep.
It wasn’t so bad, Charlie thought. Being stretched and full was great and he got to experience the orgasms his body had too. Why he was still conscious was something of a mystery to him, but it was likely that Nicolas wanted to dominate two people at once.
The sun began to rise and Charlie’s thoughts stuttered. Wait, how many hours had passed without him noticing? What had he been doing? All thoughts ceased as the cock plunged into his still-loose pucker and the skunk fucked Charlie’s body again. The twinky skunk stirred but didn’t wake up as he was fucked.
Then Nicolas grunted and came before pulling out, semen oozing from Charlie’s mouth.
The skunk left and made breakfast. It was mid-morning by the time the twink began to stir and get out of bed. Wobbling to his feet, the skunk stretched, clenching his cheeks as he did. As the twink moved, Charlie could feel every step and motion. The pressure squeezed down while he was smothered by that luscious rump and fluffy tail.
There were brief sensations of cool air against his pucker between steps, especially when the twink crouched down to pick up some undergarments. Then the outside world was quickly cut off as the underwear slid over the wobbly tush and the fluffy tail was pulled through a specially-made hole. He was hidden away, but he could still see some light through the fabric. That was quickly corrected as heavier trousers were pulled firmly into place and buttoned over the tail.
More semen oozed form Charlie’s mouth as the skunk wobbled into the kitchen, though thanks to modesty, no one would ever know he was carrying a creamy load.
He heard the sound of water running and the skunk gulping it thirstily, one paw gently rubbing his tender butthole.
The rest of the morning was as boring as it was confusing. Charlie’s new vantage point was rather limited – he could hear his new host talking to Geoffrey, though from the conversation it was obvious that Geoffrey had been completely displaced by Nicholas the skunk.
But other than eavesdropping on his host’s conversations, the only other information Charlie could glean was the feeling of asscheeks rubbing against each other as his host walked, or pressure from above as his host sat down.
Charlie had almost grown bored of his new existence when light suddenly flooded his vision. As his skunk host dropped his pants, Charlie was forced to stare out from between two black furred buttcheeks, his vision centered on the toilet that was rushing up to meet him as his host sat down.
“Oh no!” Charlie realized. He had been turned into an asshole. And assholes weren’t just used for fucking, they had another purpose, and his host was about to use him for precisely that.
He wanted to scream as his mouth began to water, a horrid taste and foul air rushing out of his pucker. His body began to flex and relax automatically, and all the former wolf could do was wait in disgust as the skunk did his morning duty. A solid mass rushed up his throat and-
“Pause,” Finn’s deep, booming voice echoed through the bathroom.
The red dragon materialized in front of the toilet just before something began to press out of Charlie’s orifice. He stood in front of the skunk, who appeared to be just as frozen as the rest of the world. Charlie guessed he was the only one aware of the dragon’s presence.
“Well, you guys sure have fucked up.” Finn said, shaking his head.
At last! Finn was coming to undo the timeline! He was saved!
The dragon snapped his fingers and the skunk stood up. Pleasant ripples of energy radiated throughout the skunk’s body as he grew taller, fur receding, growing into dark wolf fur. The muzzle stretched longer as muscles filled out the skunk's body. Soon, a handsome anthro wolf stood where the skunk boi had been moments ago.
As the new wolf stretched, Charlie could do nothing but sit between its furry buttcheeks. As the wolf adjusted his stance and fondled himself, Charlie tried to call out to the dragon but only a puff of foul air escaped his lips, causing the wolf to bashfully look askance at the dragon. His fluffy tail tucked itself over Charlie’s face.
“Sorry Finn.”
“No, it’s fine.” Finn chuckled, waving a claw in front of his nose. “At least you aren’t a skunk anymore.”
No! Charlie protested. He turned me into an asshole, not just a skunk, weren’t you watching?! But no matter how much he wanted to yell, no matter how much he wanted to call out to Finn, his new body wouldn’t respond. He couldn’t even manage a fart.
Time began to move backwards. Soon, he found himself covered up by undergarments and leathers, nestled comfortably between a dark-furred wolf’s buttcheeks. It was pleasant and warm.
Then he felt a jolt of lightning race through his mind, and a picture of a character sheet appeared in the otherwise black confines of the wolf’s pants. Charlie felt his rectum sink. In the top left corner of the character sheet was the image of a black wolf, bent over and tailed raised, clawed hands spreading his cheeks wide, proudly displaying his small pink anus to anyone who would see. And as soon as Charlie saw that picture, he knew that it was a picture of him, of his new, quite possibly permanent, body. It was a picture of Charlie the asshole.
The rest of the character sheet was exactly what Charlie would expect given his new form, with a rather plain description of “The tight, well used asshole of an anthro wolf assassin.”
That was it. Charlie didn’t want to accept it, but he knew that short sentence was going to describe the rest of his life. Then, as quickly as the character sheet appeared, it vanished into nothingness, leaving Charlie the asshole trapped in the dark confines of his own pants. Unable to move or call for help. Trapped until his doppelganger host had decided to drop his pants. The asshole mentally shuddered, because he knew there were only two reasons that would happen, and he wasn’t looking forward to either of them.
Charlie the wolf assassin waited outside the perfume shop for Geoffrey to give them an all-clear.
His tail-hole suddenly twitched and spasmed, making the wolf jump a bit. Then the muscles seemed to relax. Charlie adjusted himself, hiking up his pants and shifting his tail, wondering what that was all about.
The skunk suddenly came out of the shop carrying a crate of potions.
“Here, take these.” Geoffrey huffed. “Heavy! Don’t drop it.”
“What are these?” Hagerd asked, easily lifting the box out of the skunk’s paws.
“Potions. Hold on.” The skunk went to the back. The sound of clinking glasses came from the back of the shop as the skunk came back out, piling up crates of perfumes. “These are magical too.”
“Why can’t we go in?” Charlie asked.
“Like I said, this place is trapped.” Geoffrey sighed. “You know, for a minute there, I almost let you guys come in and get caught.”
“Whoa.” Charlie said.
“Yeah, you’d just be a happy little tail-hole for Nicolas to fuck.” Geoffrey paused, “Anyways, I...decided I couldn’t handle him. So.”
“Well...thank you for not turning me into an asshole.” Charlie said, reaching back and running a finger over the fabric where his pucker was. It throbbed at his touch. Weird. “Anyways, are you okay with being the skunk for tonight’s session?”
“Oh yes,” The skunk’s eyes glinted, “As long as you’re okay with being my little puppy boi.”
Charlie smiled, tail wagging. “Claim my ass, skunk daddy!”
The skunk grinned and they got back to unloading the item
“Wait outside,” Geoffrey said, “there’s all sorts of traps in here and I’m assuming none of you wants to spend the rest of your life as a skunk’s asshole."
“Turn us into assholes?”Charlie snorted. “Yeah, as if that would ever-”
His tail-hole suddenly twitched and spasmed, making the wolf jump a bit. Then the muscles seemed to relax. Charlie adjusted himself, hiking up his pants and shifting his tail, wondering what that was all about.
The party could hear Gregory shuffling about inside, before before bustling out with a crate of goods.
“Here, take these.” Geoffrey huffed. “Heavy! Don’t drop it.”
“What are these?” Hagerd asked, easily lifting the box out of the skunk’s paws.
“Potions. Hold on.” The skunk went to the back. The sound of clinking glasses came from the back of the shop as the skunk came back out, piling up crates of perfumes. “These are magical too.”
“Why can’t we go in?” Charlie asked.
“Like I said, this place is trapped.” Geoffrey sighed. “You know, for a minute there, I almost let you guys come in and get caught.”
“Whoa.” Charlie said.
“Yeah, you’d just be a happy little tail-hole for Nicolas to fuck.” Geoffrey paused, “Anyways, I...decided I couldn’t handle him. So.”
“Well...thank you for not turning me into an asshole.” Charlie said, reaching back and running a finger over the fabric where his pucker was. It throbbed at his touch. Weird. “Anyways, are you okay with being the skunk for tonight’s session?”
“Oh yes,” The skunk’s eyes glinted, “As long as you’re okay with being my little puppy boi.”
Charlie smiled, tail wagging. “Claim my ass, skunk daddy!”
Charlie occupied himself by exploring the skunk’s mouth with his tongue. There was a pleasant floral smell to the mustelid that he found irresistible. A single furry digit wriggled its way into his tailhole, forcing precum to stain the front of his…oh, his cock was exposed. When had that happened?
The orca gasped, pulling out of the kiss. He sniffed the cuddly skunk and noticed another note on top of the floral one. It was almost feminine and bright, but not too feminine either. Almost unisex if not for the masculine musk notes.
Charlie suddenly felt a flush of heat. The skunk smiled and leaned in, letting the orca’s tongue slip back inside that velvety muzzle. They made out, the orca running his digits through the skunk’s soft, fluffy form.
A soft paw ran up and down Charlie’s throbbing spire. Geoffrey’s paws slowly stroked that big ebony rod, coaxing cum from his cock, then they reached down to cup Charlie’s cum-swollen balls. A clever finger slipped through his pucker and stroked his prostate.
Charlie moaned as the skunk played with his ass, which felt oddly empty now. He spread his legs, relaxing as the skunk slipped another digit in. The skunk leaned forward and chewed on one of the orca’s meaty nips, slipping a third finger into his needy hole while the orca gasped.
The smirk the skunk gave Charlie as he allowed Geoffrey to stretch his hole wide with all three fingers, a fourth wriggling into the gap, sent shivers down the orca’s spine.
Geoffrey hoisted both the orca’s legs up onto his shoulders. Charlie marveled at how sleek and thin his legs seemed compared to how muscular he thought they’d been a few minutes ago. As the skunk’s paws played over his chest, the orca realized his pecs seemed flat, abs non-existent.
The skunk reached down and stroked Charlie’s cock. The orca groaned happily as the skunk’s soft, slick fist wrapped around his shaft and stroked it. Each tug of Geoffrey’s paw was shorter than the last, and his once-proud twelve-incher soon reduced to a slender 3.
He let the pleasant floral scent whisk him away. It didn’t matter. All that matters was that ebony cock lining up to spear his throbbing pucker. Charlie spread his juicy ass with his own hands and watched in awe as the skunk stuck his whole fist inside of him.
“Looks like you’re ready,” Geoffrey leered, pulling his fist out of Charlie’s boi hole and licking the juices off of it. “You taste good.”
Charlie whimpered, wondering when the skunk had gotten so big. Or had he gotten smaller? He felt strangely vulnerable and so incredibly horny.
“It’s okay, kid. I’m your first, right?” Geoffrey asked, the older skunk stroking the young orca’s face.
“Y-yes~” Charlie said, his high voice cracking.
Why would he say that? Geoffrey certainly wasn’t his first. But still, there was a pervasive notion that he was completely inexperienced. The skunk sensed his confusion and picked up a bottle of cologne, giving him a light spritzing.
A pleasant flush sent tingles through Charlie’s body as it shrank further. The skunk loomed over the short, skinny, barely-legal orca twink. That didn’t matter to Charlie. All he wanted was for Geoffrey to plow his needy virginal ass.
From his half-seated position, Charlie watched dick circle his rear entrance, gasping as it slipped inside his hole, trying to clench to keep it inside. But Geoffrey grinned and pulled out, leaving Charlie a whimpering, needy mess. Precum drooled from his all-but-forgotten little cock.
Finally, Geoffrey gripped Charlie’s thin hips and shoved his dick into the orca’s loosened hole.
His rectum stretched wide as the skunk’s fat cock pressed itself deep inside of the twinky orca. Charlie gasped, trying to catch his breath as Geoffrey filled him completely. The skunk slid his cock deeper before finally hilting, his furry balls slapping against Charlie’s voluptuous cheeks.
Geoffrey bucked and rolled his hips, thrusting and jabbing his dick repeatedly against Charlie’s prostate. It was enough to make the twinkish orca’s webbed toes curl. The skunk got into the rhythm and soon the orca’s ass cheeks were clapping with every thrust. Charlie writhed and moaned belief his handsome, more experienced lover.
“Like that, boi?” Geoffrey said, panting lightly.
Charlie just moaned and nodded.
He found himself wrapping his arms and legs around the skunk as he was plowed mercilessly. The orca busied himself in the skunk’s chest and shuddered, enjoying the scent of his musk, which was finally breaking through the floral bouquet. He should have been repelled by the stench, but he found that it smelled oddly masculine, dominating.
“Like my natural scent?” Geoffrey asked.
“Y-yes,” Charlie groaned.
“I got the formula for this perfume from the hag, you know.” Geoffrey whispered. “She was a bit too interested in cats for my liking. Of course, she betrayed me, but I’m back now.”
Charlie didn’t know what the skunk was talking about and he didn’t care. All he could think about was the pressure in his well-stretched ass, the stars of pleasure that were exploding in his brain like fireworks. He could feel his balls begin to tense, a rising pressure and tingles in his warm hole signaling his impending orgasm.
“Geoffrey!’ Charlie gasped.
Geoffrey nodded and thrust deeper before unloading ribbons of skunk jism into Charlie’s fat ass. Charlie gasped as the warmth filled him, his own cock twitching as his own orgasm overtook him. The two lay panting on the carriage’s seat for a minute, enjoying the afterglow.
The skunk curled his tail around the lithe little orca and cuddled him close to his fluffy chest.
“You are going to be the cutest little puppy when the soul essence wears off,” Geoffrey said, softly stroking the twink’s cheek.
Charlie didn’t respond, too busy enjoying the cuddle, the warmth of his lover’s soft fur. His ass was nice and full of skunk jizz, what else could he want. The skunk shifted in his seat and waggled his hands.
“Prestidigitation,” Geoffrey said.
All traces of their sexual encounter disappeared. He conjured some more clothing for Charlie. The little orca pulled on his clothes.
“Finn! What are you doing?” Hagerd gasped.
“The things you’ve done to this world in less than twenty minutes have altered it significantly.” Finn hissed. “I literally can’t undo what you’ve done without restarting the group from square one. And while I might not be the biggest fan of Greg or Jeff’s choices, I’m quite proud of ‘Charlie’ and fully intend to leave him as is..”
Charlie watched Veles walk past and frowned, his asshole twitching strangely.
The wolf gently rubbed the back of his pants and the muscle relaxed. For a split second, he’d almost mistaken the fox for Finn. In fact, if he took away the arctic coat, he’d swear the little fox was a perfect clone. Well, if Finn were a twunk and not a huge fat nerd. And he also had a nagging suspicion that something about even that was wrong, but he couldn’t put his finger on what.
Who would have thought such a cute little skunk would be such a huge pervert? He loved turning guys into barely-legal twinks and then fucking their virgin holes. In fact, that’s what he’d been doing to Charlie and Gregory every night for the last two nights. Each night, he slipped some magic cologne on, and the burly wolf and royal mink became inexperienced twinky virgins in need of a daddy to claim their holes.
Hell, that was bad, but he’d also done way worse to thieves and vagabonds. Turning people into assholes or cocks and fucking them. Well, not him. He hadn’t done anything like that in the two days he’d had the jar. These were memories of things that Nicolas had done in the past. And that was the other thing that scared him - Nicolas was blurring into him. Things the skunk had done were becoming things Geoffrey had done. And he liked it.
Charlie was… sleeping.
He’d worked damn hard all week coming up with plans. After he’d dealt with Glitz, he used the training room again last night. As far as he was concerned, he was prepared enough. Actually, he was kinda afraid they were over leveled. If the bandits weren’t challenging enough, what else could Finn throw at them?
Of course, he ended up waking at the same time everyone went downstairs. The smell of coffee always made him alert. That was the other thing he was surprised about. Never expected coffee beans in a fantasy world, just tea. And yet, Veles had managed to cultivate them.
Made sense, since he was a wizard.
He performed his morning ablutions, asshole twitching unpleasantly the whole time. The twitching put pressure on his prostate, which convulsed. It was such a strange thing, forcing him to have erections at the strangest times. Maybe he had colon cancer? Oh, that would suck, but…magic could cure him of that, right?
It dawned on Charlie that a lot of things that would be a serious or otherwise terminal illness in the real world weren’t particularly threatening when you have a kobold bard to cast lesser restoration on you. No, the only thing he had to be concerned about was some sort of fantasy STD that resisted dispel mechanics. A magical disease that Finn was using as a plot point might be nigh impossible to cure. And the best he could do right now was to hope that whatever was going on with his asshole, it wasn’t that.
The next few hours had seen the party make some small talk in an attempt to distract themselves from thinking about what may very well have been Jim. And while Veles didn’t seem to think Finn would be that cruel, the rest of the party wasn’t so sure. Charlie, in particular, kept wiggling and adjusting his pants as though his butt had an unscratchable itch.
That was going to be a problem, as he’d explained to the polar bear. Nicolas had been quite evil and was responsible for just as many disappearances as the Hag. Though, he was much more discerning in his choices of whom to disappeared. Mostly nasty people who deserved it. Still, turning someone into an asshole was considered evil.
“Not anymore. Don’t worry, you still have his figurine with the rest of his lived experiences, but when you Trim Jeff out of these boots, things will be different about him.”
“How so?” Veles asked.
“Well, depending on how long he’s in these boots, he may not be… a person anymore either. Now, his ‘self’ from his figurine will help, but his memory of his time as Geoffrey and the boots will be roughshod at best.” Santiago explained. “Any long-term Polymorph magic can degrade a person’s mind. The vessel shapes the mind, not the other way around. If you were placed in the body of a dog, eventually, you’d think and act just like a dog.”
The bull slapped Charlie’s back, his trotters lingering a little longer than the wolf was comfortable.
“Hey, you wanna get a drink at the inn later?” Gavin asked, giving the wolf a side-eyed glance.
“Are you asking me if I want to sleep with you?” Charlie turned to address the rather muscular bull directly, giving Gavin a once over. He was huskily built and likely a good fuck if the bulge in his groin was any indicator.
“Yes.” Gavin grinned again.
“My tailhole could use a good stretching,” Charlie grinned back.
“That’s a lad!” The bull guffawed, slapping Charlie’s back again.
Charlie rolled his eyes as the bull fell back to patrol behind the wagon.
He hadn’t had sex with a bull yet. Not like he was looking for different species to fuck, but his tailhole had been acting up recently and a bull’s huge cock giving it a proper stretching should calm it down. Charlie wasn’t sure why his ass kept spasming, though. Maybe males went through heat too?
Anyways, thinking about sex right now was probably not the number one priority. They were in the dangerous stretch now. That NPC had all but confirmed it.
Charlie paused, considering the advice Jeff had given Veles in regards to his new accidental boyfriend.
Maybe he would start asking the bull a few questions. Or-oh! Maybe he could experiment and ‘mold’ the bull’s interests himself! Charlie wondered if… if perhaps, he had asked the bull if HE wanted his tailhole stretched, Gavin would have agreed to that and become a bottom instead of a top. Or was he programmed to be a top and Charlie had just guessed well?
He lay on the bed as Rodrigo carefully measured out a little potion.
The wolf hissed as the cloth carefully dabbed the wounds on his ass. They were just scrapes, really, but they stung like the dickens. Rodrigo was a skilled hand, though, and the pain was soothed away in a few moments.
Rodrigo dabbed a few more times, all cross Charlie’s rump, then kneaded the other wolf’s ass flesh. It was a nice massage, and Charlie could feel his tense muscles loosen as the warm potion soaked in. His flesh seemed to swell around Rodrigo’s fingers, his firm muscles pliable and wobbly.
Then he felt a drop of something hit his tailhole and flinched. His hole tingled pleasantly where the droplet had hit him and the muscles began to twitch. A few more droplets hit his tailhole and it began to spasm violently.
“Oh!” Charlie gasped as the muscles in his ring contracted and tensed as though fighting off an intruder.
“Sorry, let me clean that off quick.” Rodrigo said, sounding embarrassed.
Rodrigo lifted Charlie’s tail out of the way, making the wolf feel vulnerable and exposed.
Then he gently dabbed the cloth around the wolf’s pucker. Charlie’s tailhole spasmed at the soft touches, his cock growing hard. It was embarrassing, but the other wolf paid him no mind. The soft, gentle rubs began to soothe to tense muscles and they relaxed.
The cloth gently circled his tailhole before slipping in.
“Oh.” Charlie said, then moaned as the cloth touched something in him that had his cock drooling and his hole clenching. “Ooooh!”
The tingling intensified and then the smell in the room shifted. It was a deep, wholesome musk, one Charlie recognized as his own, though different, more mature. Rodrigo kept Charlie’s tail lifted and dabbed a few more times. Charlie’s anus gave one last, feeble twitch before it began to puff and distend. Rodrigo kept dabbing until the muscle simply parted on contact with the cloth, as though it had given up any resistance.
Charlie relaxed, his tongue lolling out, his cock drooling precum as the wolf finished working his pleasantly throbbing hole.
Rodrigo pulled away from Charlie’s slack ring and capped the phial.
“There. Just enough. Sorry about the spill, I think I got it.” Rodrigo smiled.
“T-thanks.” Charlie struggled to his feet, his big, bubbly ass wobbling.
“No problem Charles.” Rodrigo winked.
Charles blushed and tried to ignore his canine erection bobbing in the air in front of him like a flag. He couldn’t help but notice Rodrigo’s trousers were tented. Their eyes met and Charles felt his heart flutter in his chest.
“Having a little trouble?” came a sly tone from the other side of the room.
Charles looked up, a blush creeping across his muzzle.
“When I said get ready for bed, I didn’t mean to go to sleep.” Rodrigo winked as he hosed the last of Charles’ cum off.
Charles eyed the handsome wolf. But it wasn’t Rodrigo’s face that interested him – it was the semi-erect cock hanging from Rodrigo’s naked crotch. His mouth watered and his asshole clenched tightly, almost as if it could sense what it was about to be used for, and was trying to make itself as tight and pleasurable as possible.
Charles chuckled to himself as he hopped onto the nice sheets that Rodrigo had prepared earlier. That asshole of his was going to get one hell of a stretching tonight. Or so he hoped.
For a good two hours, Charles and his husband, Rodrigo, fornicated just like in the old days.
The fatter wolf's cock was smaller than Charles' meaty footlong, but it still managed to prod his prostate
Charles relaxed as his husband pleasantly massaged his g-spot with his dick. He loved the fat mayor's big, soft, fluffy body, the way it jiggled as he thrust. The happy little yips and pants he made as he claimed Charles' ass. It made Charles feel...happy. Charles felt his hole pulse and swallow Rodrigo's cock to the hilt.
Both wolves moaned happily, their tails wagging in unison as they made love.
"Do you like having my meat inside you, big oaf?" Rodrigo grinned, eyes glinting with an almost malicious light.
"I love it, babe." Charles moaned, closing his eyes as the big wolf gave a thrust. "You feel so good."
They kissed hungrily, as though this were the first time they'd had sex.
A few thrusts later and they were both howling and cumming. Charles felt his husbands warmth splash his insides and shuddered in glee. They licked each other's muzzles lovingly before Rodrigo prestidigitation'd the mess away.
Charles yawned as he stirred, his asshole clenching pleasurably from last night’s activities, and glanced at his fat husband as he snored away next to him.
How long ago did they hitch it up together? Charles knew it had been decades since he married Rodrigo, but there was a sort of confusion in his mind. Didn’t he arrive in this world just recently? It was as if a fog was filling his brain. The clearer memories shined brighter in his head by default.
Charles sighed, remembering his life here and every night he had loved Rodrigo.
The fat wolf had first dibs on his ass, therefore he was the first of every night to fuck him raw. When the smaller wolf’s cock slipped into his clenching and tight hole, Charles groaned in pleasure as his asshole sucked in the smaller cock. His own footlong fucker twitched and waved in the heated air as Rodrigo pounded into his beloved husband.
Rodrigo’s hot lupine cream filling his ass was the signal for the next part of the nightly activities.
It was Rodrigo’s favorite part and Charles’ expected climax for the night. With Rodrigo’s potions, Charles’ footlong was thicker and the two old wolves went at it for the next hour and a half, with the added girth and mass quickly put to use deeply into the Mayor of Diamond Hollow’s ass. Rodrigo was the Mayor in name, but in reality, he depended on Charles for advice on how to control the masses, just like how the bigger wolf was ramming into the Mayor as he howled and growled like the cowardly bitch he is.
Charles pinched his forehead in disappointment.
Charlon stopped pacing sideways and focused his gaze on Charlie.
“I told you Charlie, I can invade the minds of the weak, and I can sense just how weak you are.”
Charlie felt the wolfdogs gaze pierce through him, but strangely, it didn’t seem like Charlon was focused on him. Rather, it was like the wolfdog was looking through him, at someone else.
“I can see your mind original Charlie. I can see how small you. How weak and helpless. You said that you’d won? I can see just how full of shit you are original Charlie, I can see that you know you’ve lost.”
Charlie felt something in his asshole, almost like it had gone limp and was hanging slightly agape. And the closer the wolfdog came, the more intense the effect seemed to be.
Charlon closed his eyes and advanced until he was just inches away from Charlie.
“Yes, that’s it, go limp. Become helpless. Soon you’ll be mine to change as I please. What would you like to be hmm? A chamber pot? Or perhaps-“
Charlie felt his asshole go numb, and with Charlon so close that Charlie could feel his breath, the wolf assassin decided that it was time to act. Just like he did with the polar bear, he dodge left, ducked down, and prepared-
Charlon didn’t react. Or, rather, he did, but only to slowly turn towards Charlie, eyes still closed, all while he continued to ramble on about the various bathroom objects that he seemed to think were filling Charlie’s thoughts.
With a deft grace, Charlie took the opportunity to slice through the strings coming out of Charlon’s hands, and with a puff of black smoke, where once stood a tall, muscular half wolf, half pitbull, there was now an athletic black anthro wolf, identical to Charlie in every way, who immediately collapsed to the floor, eyes half opened, gazing mindlessly at the ceiling.
When he came to, Charles found himself lying on the floor with something heavy, warm, and furry sitting on his chest. He tried to speak, only to find that his muzzle was trapped inside something cold, wet, and fishy smelling.
Wait a second…was that…?
Charles opened his eyes and found himself staring at Palsek’s flat, greenscaled chest. She was sitting on his muzzle, which was pressed deep inside of her, all while she looked down at Charles with a vacant expression on her face.
Palseks noticed that Charles had come to, and in a robotic voice said, “Master say you make good toy.”
Charles looked towards the door of the room, hoping that he hadn’t been out for very long and Rodrigo would come running to his rescue. But unfortunately for Charles, he had no such luck.
Rodrigo was on his knees in the doorway with Veles and the wolfdog standing in front of him. Rodrigo clapped his hands together as though praying and said, “please, I’m an alchemist, I can be of great use to you!”
The wolfdog just laughed, “oh you’ll be of great use alright. But not to me.”
Charlon whistled and snapped his fingers towards one of the bulldogs. Seemingly snapped out of its daze, the bulldog produced a thick, black buttplug and walked over, handing it to Charlon.
Charlon, in turn, handed the buttplug to Veles and gave a simple command, “Veles, tailor him.”
Veles spoke the words, then tossed the buttplug aside.
At first, nothing seemed to happen, and Rodrigo took that as his opportunity to beg.
“Please!” he said, “I don-“
But his plea was cut off as his mouth sealed shut. His skin grew darker and shinier, until it was indistinguishable from the rubber of a cheap sextoy. Then his arms and legs shrank away, his head smoothed over, and before long, all that was left lying on the ground was an overly girthy buttplug.
Picking it up, Charlon said, “I don’t know if you can hear me in there, but like I said, you won’t be useful to me. Veles, however, will need some stretching before he’s suitable for me to use, and I’m sure you’ll be quite useful to him in that regard.”
Then the wolfdog turned to Charles.
“What to do about you…”
“Mmmm!” Charles tried to shout, only to find his pleas for mercy muffled by Palsek’s cold, moist cunt.
“It looks like you’re enjoying yourself in there,” Charlon giggled, “Veles, why don’t you make him a bit more to my slave’s liking.”
Charles watched as Veles walked over to him. And while he knew the futility of it, he couldn’t help but make the most pleading expression possible.
“Tailor.” Veles said in a flat, emotionless voice.
Dragonfucker found itself staring up at its owner. It felt its bones turn soft and flexible as the tough mineral warped into flexible latex. Fur faded into non-existence as a red scaled pattern formed into its squishy skin.
It tried to move only to find that it no longer had muscles. Its entire body was just a solid latex torso attached to a solid latex head, but that was soon to change.
Its head began to merge with its muzzle, forming a smooth, tapered tip. It sank deeper and deeper into the kobold that owned it, watching as its vision got closer and closer to her scaley cunt, before being sucked inside a sea of moist blackness.
Its torso narrowed as it merged into its former head, all while the dragonfucker felt is asshole desperately trying to clench. For a moment, the dragonfucker almost thought that its asshole might be trying to tear itself free of its body and get away, but as dragonfucker sank even deeper into its master’s depths, it felt its base rotate until its asshole was pressed into the floor.
That didn’t stop the dragonfucker’s asshole from clenching, and it soon clenched down on the stone beneath, sucking down and finishing the dragonfucker’s transformation as the once fleshy asshole converted into a plastic sucked cup.
Now rooted to the ground, it heard a voice call out, “now put your toy to use.”
Its master began gyrating on top of it, and it could feel her insides gripping down, massaging the length of its body in damp need.
It felt so good to be inside of master. So good for her to run her body up and down its own. So good to be twisted and squeezed. To feel her cold juices penetrating into its porous surface.
And then there was a pop, and the gyrating stopped, though Charlie still found himself wedged deep into Palsek’s cunt.
“What is Palseks doing?” came a booming voice from above.
“What does it looked like?” was the muffled reply.
“Finn, what did you-?”
“You lost Paul, or should I say Palseks.”
Charlie the faint sound of a bear roar and a fox yip.
“Be thankful I let you keep a sapient body, I could have turned you into an animal like your friends, or a toy like poor Charlie there.”
It was then that Charlie felt Palseks slowly lift herself off of him, and as her cunt cleared his tip, he found himself staring up at the dripping slit that was the kobold’s ‘new’ cunt.
Charlie was forced to watch as Palseks took a step back and looked down, straight into the source of Charlie’s vision.
“Yes, Palseks, that’s Charlie,” came Finn’s voice from somewhere in the distance.
Palseks reached down and touched Charlie’s tip, applying the slightest amount of pressure in the process and causing Charlie’s body to bounce back and forth slightly. As his vision ping ponged around the room, he caught the briefest sight of a massive red dragon sitting in the midst of a vast treasure room.
“So, what to do. What to do.” Finn mused.
“You seem like you would make a good maid Palseks, what do you say? As for Greg, he should suffice as your cleaning rag. And my menagerie could use a bear and a fox.”
Then a shadow passed over Charlie as a massive, draconic head came into view, blocking his vision of anything else. Finn looked down at him, and Charlie looked up into two eyes that glowed like magma.
“As for you, I wouldn’t want Palseks to get bored.”
Finn let out a loud chuckle and smoke billowed out of his nose, blasting Charlie with a sudden wave of intense heat.
“Or, perhaps I could just send all of you to-"
The End
Charlie twirled around, tensing his muscles as he prepared to deal with whatever new trap this room had, only to hear a loud voice speak in his head.
“Greetings traveler! Don’t be alarmed, I bring you no harm.”
Charlie’s eyes darted around the room, only to see that the stone gryphon head seemed to be staring directly at him. It gave a friendly wink, and Charlie clenched his asshole as he almost jumped out of his shoes.
Charlie settled down, though his asshole began twitching and he squirmed in discomfort. Fortunately for him, whatever evil plagued his ass didn’t take long to quiet down, and he turned his attention back to the gryphon head, which seemed to be patiently waiting for him to finish with the preoccupation caused by his own, rebellious body part.
“Mimic!” Charlie cried, trying to swing a dagger at the tongue.
The mimic was too fast, it pulled him forwards and off-balance. His head entered the chest and muffled his terrified cries. Charlie managed to brace himself against the sides of the chest but couldn’t match the muscle power of the tongue. His paws slipped in, dagger clattering to the floor, followed by his torso, leaving his legs kicking wildly outside the mimic’s maw.
Charlie experienced an odd feeling of deja vu before the tongue pulled him in tight and the lid of the chest snapped shut. The eyes of the mimic closed and the box started to rumble as it started its strange digestive process.
Inside the mimic, Charlie was struggling.
The “chest” might have been empty but it was cramped for the wolf, who tried pushing in every direction. The walls of the mimic’s stomach were soft and kinda rubbery. They stretched with every push, though never to the point of tearing. It was a monster whose entire body was basically a muscle it could shape at its whim.
A strange liquid began to ooze through the wall.
He couldn’t avoid it, and it splashed on his fur, saturating it and tingling on his skin. It made his body feel strangely numb. Then the mimic began to churn its insides.
Charlie found his body being rolled around as the stomach of the mimic churned.
The insides of the box grew tighter, the fleshy walls pulsing. Charlie found himself being forcibly twisted and pulled. He was swallowing gulps of the fluid, his mouth and insides growing as tingly and numb as his outsides.
As the mimic’s innards writhed, Charlie felt himself bend unnaturally backward, snout thrusting into his twitching anus.
He could smell his deep, familiar musk, and then his head was shoved deeper, sliding further into the musky passage. Charlie screamed, but all that came out was a gurgle, his lungs flattening as he was shoved past his chest into his own throbbing pucker.
The wolf no longer needed to breathe, his body compressing and tingling.
Charlie was having difficulty holding onto his thoughts. Between being rubbed against himself, the constant pleasurably numb tingles and squishing, he couldn’t do much but enjoy the ride.
His cock was hard and throbbing, each pleasurable clench and squeeze of the mimic’s churning guts squeezing it longer and longer.
Charlie let out an indignant grunt as his balls were pulled apart, and then he gasped as they were massaged and stiffened strangely. The tingles in his brain increased, numbing his thoughts, making it impossible for him to think of anything but the sensations, the churn, the rub.
His head somehow popped back out of his rear, but everything was wrong, his head was compressed, and then all he felt were tingles and numbness….
Then Finn glanced over at the floor, where a magic ring glittered on the stone.
“Charlie?.” the dragon asked.
Charlie wanted to shout Yes!, Its me! Help! But with his new ring body, all he could do was lay silently, no more alive than the marble tile below him.
Charlie’s body felt so weird, he couldn’t feel his arms or legs, and his torso felt like it was bent over backwards to the point that his mouth was pressing up against his own ass.
The dragon walked over to him, sticking a claw into the hole in the center of Charlie’s body, pressing up against the entirety of his ‘spine’ as the dragon slowly picked him up. Charlie could only watch as he was brought up to its snout, while a huge reptilian eye carefully looked him over.
“Must be…” the dragon droned out.
“In case you couldn’t figure it out, I’m Finn,” the dragon said before puffing its shoulders out and spreading its wings.
“And this!” the dragon pointed Charlie’s gem eyes out towards the room before rotating around it.
“Is my lair!” the dragon chuckled, “how do you like it?”
But Charlie didn’t answer – he couldn’t answer. He couldn’t do anything.
Finn let out a sad grunt, “well, I suppose you’re not really in a position to comment. I have to say, I was hoping to get to watch you fail.”
Finn paused, “but I was a bit preoccupied, and I didn’t catch your last mishap.”
Charlie felt himself begin to get pawned between Finn’s claws as the dragon slowly rotated his new, ring body between them, all while the room spun around him in a disorienting blur.
“Well, bronze isn’t particularly valuable.” Finn said with a hint of disappointment in his voice, “you’re not worth keeping in my horde, or even giving to Erwin here. So I suppose I’ll roll back time, just this once.”
The ring had the sneaking suspicion Finn was only doing it to experience what appeared to be an amazing orgasm again. If it could roll its gemstone eyes it would. But at least he wasn’t going to be stuck as a ring forever.
Running forward, Charlie leapt for the hole.
His hands cross the threshold, only for him to feel that strange resistance pushing back, like his hands were squeezing through a tight membrane. Then, suddenly, they were through. With a pang of relief, he felt them continue to move through the wall.
That relief was cut short, however, as warmth and tingles engulfed his hands.
His paws were popping, like the fingers were being pressed back into his paws one knuckle at a time. The membrane gripped his paws tightly, shaping them and molding them into something that felt much smaller as they passed through.
Charlie's dive carried him forward as his forearms passed through the hole, then his elbows.
The more of him went through the hole, the more the sensations coming from his body changed, joints popping, muscles shifting. It wasn’t painful, almost pleasant, like a gentle massage. The transition was slow despite of the speed at which he initially passed through.
He tried looking past the hole, to see what was on the other side, but it was just the same, empty hallway from before. Whatever this hole was, the sight of his body vanished as soon as it went through, which meant that it was a portal to somewhere else, and the empty hallway it was showing was an illusion.
Thinking back to his hands, Charlie tried to mentally scan over the nerves inside of them to build a mental picture of what had happened.
As a human, his brain had built an extremely detailed neurological map of his hands. Every ridge on his palms and fingers had been built out in the extreme detail necessary for making grasping and manipulating objects. And now, having been teleported into this DnD world, with his high dexterity, the level of detail and precision that his hands had was immense.
But all of that was gone. Instead, Charlie felt only the most rudimentary of sensations of a straight limb that ended in four blunt fingers. No, Charlie realized as he tried to wiggle them, they felt more like toes than fingers. And what was more, they felt like they were on backwards – instead of his claws facing forwards, away from his body, it felt like his claws were pointing backwards, towards his head.
Wait, if his arms were hindlegs, then his head would be… Charlie’s eyes bugged out as he realized what was about to happen to him.
“Hel-!” Charlie tried to scream.
Then his snout passed through the wall and it instantly slammed shut.
Charlie tried to stop himself, but with his arms already through the hole there was nothing he could do but helplessly flail his legs.
More and more of his muzzle passed through the hole, sagging bonelessly back against his face as it did. No words could pass his wrinkling lips as his tongue flattened and merged with the bottom of his jaw all while his teeth retreated back into thick, leathery flesh.
His muzzle was almost flat against his head now, his nose gone, mouth stuck in an ‘o’ shape. The skin around it was darkening and puckering. Charlie closed his eyes in fearful anticipation as he felt the invisible membrane bend and flex against his face before he slipped through it.
Something grew from his forehead, long and bushy.
He could feel the fur brush his face as his head snapped and crunched pleasantly, like a million little hands were stroking and massaging his skull. A kink in his neck led to it actually shrinking back against his body. At the same time, his eyes grew heavy and shut, soon lost in the thick fur of the wolf’s ass he was becoming.
As the wolf tail finished sprouting and came to rest over his mouth, Charlie struggled to think. His mind was slowing down, brain growing fuzzy and cottony and pleasantly warm. He could feel a pressure growing in him and all he wanted to do was… was…
Charlie felt his puffy pucker bulge, his tail lifted, and he gave a simple, hearty push!
As the fart escaped him, the pressure in his ‘head’ went away, along with his thoughts. Only simple feelings and pleasures were left.
The rest of his body quickly followed his newly-formed rear through, limp and thoughtless. And then Charlie’s asshole hit the wall and grew into a fully-functioning wolf’s head. Finally released from his puckered prison, the wolf only had a split second to enjoy himself before he realized he was in the middle of a backwards-facing dive.
The wolf fell backwards out of the hole, landing on its tail with a yelp.
It looked around the cage it was in and sniffed around, picking up scents. Charlie’s thoughts slowly surfaced. Not the replacement Charlie, who was currently back to being a tight, well-used anus, but the original.
He was disoriented, and not just from being his own asshole, but also having to deal with new instincts and a limited brain capacity to work with. Charlie was feeling elated and terrified, because, knowing Finn, this was a bad end, likely to be reversed, and he’d end up an asshole again.
Yes, yes, he’d heard the warning Finn gave other Charlie earlier. It didn’t matter, he knew how Finn worked. There was probably a growing pile of dead Charlies in his lair right now.
The wolf looked up at the whole he had just dropped through, only to see it close up and vanish. With his most immediate avenue of escape closed off, Charlie looked around, only to realize he was surrounded by thick bars.
He found himself lower his head to the ground and begin sniffing, flooding his nose with the smell of other animals. From the sights and sounds, it was clear that he was in some sort of animal holding area, but how did he get here?
One minute he was stuck in the pitch black, stinky confines of his own pants, and the next he was a wolf in a cage. Something about the hole must have done this, and he remembered the group talking about some levers and animal pictures. But as he tried to piece it all together, he suddenly realized just how many pieces to this there were – and how much difficulty his new brain had in keeping it all together.
Unable to focus his attention for long enough to solve the question of how he got here, Charlie began to walk around the cage he found himself in. He knew that there should be a door with a lock, and while one side of the cage seemed to have a strange square sticking off of it, Charlie couldn’t seem to figure out how to use it. All he could do was sit there, dumbly pawing at the square in the hopes that something would catch and the cage would open.
Charlie’s impotent attempts to paw at the cage were interrupted as heavy thuds vibrated through the ground. A large golem stomped over to his cage and picked it up. Charlie experienced intense vertigo as he accelerated upwards, the cage swinging. He whimpered and cowered in the corner, scrabbling to keep himself upright.
The wolf found himself being carried out of the menagerie and into a brightly lit, circular area whose floor was covered in sand..
High above him, maybe thirty feet or so, was a soft chaise lounge. And lying atop that lounge was a huge, well-muscled pitbull, instantly recognizable as the visage carved into the statues in the ruins’ entrance corridor.
A golem brought a gagged wolf over to him, affixing it to a stand that held its neck over a golden goblet.
The pitbull laughed as his voice boomed out over the arena, “One of your friends perhaps? It appears that someone else went through the hole right after you did, but I don’t need two wolves.”
The pitbull slit the wolf's throat, causing it to spasm as hot blood poured into the goblet below it and took a lap of the blood, his eyes flaring red as he did.
“Ah!” The devilish pitbull licked his crimson-smeared chops. “The blood of the vanquished is always so sweet. And the flesh is so delectable.”
The pitbull leaned over and surveyed the wolf.
“You are the adventurer who dared to intrude upon my chambers,” The pitbull’s voice was calm, though there was an undertone of menace to it. “I know you still retain a semblance of your former personality and intellect. That will fade in time. But while I still have you aware, I want you to fight for your life.”
Charlie cocked his head, considering the pitbull’s words.
It wasn’t over yet, then. He still had a chance. This could work out for him if he played his cards right. He was an assassin. Charlie could take out anyone if he could study them for a little while.
“Woof,” He barked in agreement.
The pitbull chuckled. “Excellent! Should you survive 13 battles, I shall make you my personal guard.”
And that was his way out. He just had to win. If he could do that, an avenue of escape would open up to him, he just knew it.
The golem came back with two hunting dogs. Charlie frowned - an expression odd on a feral wolf’s face - but he wasn’t TOO concerned. A wolf was bigger than a dog, that fight would be over quick. Two dogs were more of a challenge, especially when there were spiked collars around their necks.
Charlie turned to the pitbull.
“What?” The pitbull grinned. “You didn’t think it would be that easy, did you?”
The hounds were howling and pulling at the leashes the golem held in its mechanical fists. With a click, the leashes snapped off the collars and the hounds bounded forward. Charlie stood his ground as he was met with a whirlwind of teeth.
Charlie’s loose skin saved him from a few nips and bites, but he was bleeding severely by the time he brought the hounds to bay. They circled the wolf. Charlie eyed them both for any openings. As an assassin, he was at a severe disadvantage here.
There weren’t many openings. The obvious killshot was covered in leather and spikes, while getting in close to snap their tendons was risky but possible.
He darted in, nipping at one hound’s legs, and the other immediately snapped forward, going for Charlie’s throat.
They fought back and forth for five minutes.
Charlie was panting and tired, bleeding from multiple wounds now. He could keep up with one, but two hounds was too much. Fuck this. Time to reroll.
He looked up at the pitbull and deliberately rolled over, exposing his throat.
The hounds darted in.
There was a flash of pain, and then cold. Charlie watched his lifeblood spurt across the sand.
“A pity,” the hell hound chuckled. “Ah, well. Trim.”
For a brief moment, Charlie found himself floating just outside of his body, staring down at it. The wolf’s eyes were glazing over as the blood flowing out of its neck began to slow. And then, Charlie found himself thrust back inside.
Just seconds ago, his body had felt painful and cold, but now it just felt… normal? There was no sensation of cold or heat, no sensation of pain. He could feel the gash in his neck, but it didn’t hurt. In fact, it almost felt like it was supposed to be there.
He tried to move his legs or wag his tail, but nothing responded. It wasn’t that he couldn’t feel his limbs anymore – they just felt so weak, and stiff. The best way he could describe it was as though all of his joints had just vanished, like his body was one gigantic bone that was permanently stuck in place.
And while Charlie didn’t know it, nor would he ever have a way to figure it out, he wasn’t that far off from the truth. Which was that there was no longer any flesh or blood inside of body. Instead, everything under his skin had been replaced with an intricately carved, life-sized wooden figurine of a wolf. The only part of Charlie’s old body that was still around was his pelt, now tanned, which had been stretched around that wooden figure and then sewn shut.
Charlie the wolf was now Charlie the wolf taxidermy, perpetually frozen in place, on its back with its paws in the air, and a large, bloody gash in its throat.
Then the world popped, and Charlie found himself on a stand out in the hall
His friends turned and stared at him on display.
“Well, shit.” Oswin said. Then he shrugged. “Guess that wasn’t the right hole after all.”
With a pop, a taxidermied wolf, throat torn out, appeared on the stone floor of Finn’s lair.
“Oh, yeah, just like that, little one!” Finn groaned, bucking hips into the kobold’s maw.
Finn glimpsed the taxidermy out of the corner of his eye.
“Hey Charlie!” Finn chuckled. “Well, the REAL Charlie. Don’t know which end of you that is. You really like making an ass of yourself, huh?”
The dragon glanced down at the kobold nuzzling his cock and back at the taxidermy.
“Well, it’s not really your fault. I’m afraid I distracted young Erwin here with my enormous dragon dong.” Finn chuckled drily. “You don’t really fit with the Feng Schui of my lair, so I’ll just send you back. Lucky for you, this isn’t….”
He wiggled the tail and felt the tailhole in his pants pressed against it. Clothes! He was wearing clothes! Charlie felt himself up and down. Smooth black fur, walking on two legs, fluffy wolf tail behind him, two triangular ears on top of his short, muzzled head.
Charlie was back to being a wolf. He was back to being Charlie!
To his right, a tawny cougar – Veles. To his left, a small kobold – Palseks. Somehow, he had been teleported back to the moment before he had jumped through the portal. Charlie opened his mouth to warn the party about the trap, only to notice that everyone was oddly still…
“I stopped time,” came a gravely voice from behind him.
Charlie spun around to see a transparent image of an old copper dragon sitting atop a pile of gold, with a small red kobold rubbing oil into the claws on its feet.
“Finn?” Charlie asked inquisitively. Finn was a red dragon but-
“Yes, you lucked out Charlie. When you altered my character sheet you flipped my species from a red dragon to a copper one.”
His class levels shift as both Charlie and Charon become one new entity. Charlie reappeared inside the thick brain of the pitbull-wolfdog, confused at being returned back to his body yet not when Charon's mind slammed into him, what was the Pitbull's short backstory melding and rearranging back into his own. Charlie groaned as his mind and personality bloated and expanded to have Charon shoved straight into him in a mindfuck, the pitbull's expanding personality traits throbbing hot inside his brain.
Charlin bucked with sculpted brutish muscles as he stroked his cock, the rod that Master Ajax sucked and rode personally, remembering the pitbull who was his master as clear as day as if they had made love just yesterday. Charlon groaned as he took back control, his balls so hot with one creature's cum, his thick paws dextrously and expertly stroking his barbaric rod, growling as he recalled the orifices he had pleasured, his old Master's tongue wrapped around his thick rod as he remembered leaving Paranor, leaving his Master behind after its fall, to create a new life within the cities and leave his past behind.
Of countless conquests as he charmed mates with his rogueish charm, and then dominated them, taking and breeding them like the barbarian he is. Charlon grunted, feeling his rogue-barbarian armor reform as reality shifted, lecherously smirking as he reminisced the pleasure of his friends taking his cock as he breeds them, spurts of wolfdog cum splattering all over his muscular abs as he released his new seed, virile and musky.
Charlon panted for a while before he took a deep breath. He had rolled a Nat 20 against whatever that had happened... but what did happen? He was panting from the pleasure, his balls twitching as another rope of cum splattered on the coffin walls.
Removing himself from the coffin quickly, as if the sarcophagus didn't lock him in at all, the big wolfdog looked around, his mind looking at the surroundings when the claws came back.
However, they ignored him. His asshole twitched between his muscular wolfdog cheeks, being tight and never going to be filled, as Charlon only breeds, not bred. In his confused haze on everything settling in his head, he only had one imperative in his mind, to notify his party of his former master's machinations.
Charlon still remembered his life as a human, knowing full well that his memories of former Master Ajax were the past of his character.
Charlie was forced to watch as the long, black threads emerged from the pitbull’s fingers, piecing into the animate, taxidermied fox that was his friend Jeff. Still able to move his eyes, Charlie had been able to follow the pair as they walked past the dining table to his right but, unable to move his head, that was as far as he was able to track.
Charlie spent the next few minutes in silence. From the blue glow beneath him, it was obvious what had happened. He’d scanned the stairway for traps, disarming them as he found them. Then he’d reached the top of the stairs and sounded the all clear, but whether it was the result of a natural one, a low roll, or just an absurdly high skill trap, the last tripwire had eluded him.
Jeff had then charged through it, triggering the paralysis trap when its leg snapped the wire. As a technically inanimate object, Jeff was immune to the trap, so it had kept going, but the rest of the party wasn’t so fortunate. Now stuck in their battle poses, all they could do was wait for the pitbull to come back for them – and to hope that Finn would have mercy when they lost.
It was a difficult wait. Would Finn just respawn them as is? Charlie had obviously been respawned once before, but he had no memory of the events that led to it. That meant that Finn had wiped them, which also meant that might not be the first time he’d lost. So, what about this time? Would Charlie remember? Or was this entire experience about the vanish from his mind, leaving him powerless to avoid the trap the next time around?
Charlie was in the middle of wishing that he could talk to the rest of the party when the pitbull began to saunter back into view. Walking up to Charlie, the pitbull pressed a clawed finger to the bottom of Charlie’s muzzle.
“Hmm, ordinarily I like to listen to my prey beg, but you seem powerful enough that indulging myself might not be the best idea…”
Charlie’s mind began to race – this world might feel real, but it was really all just a big game, and the pitbull standing in front of him was an archetypal cartoon villain. As the villain continued to rub Charlie’s muzzle while pondering whether to release him or not, Charlie could only think that there was still a shred of hope. Maybe, just maybe, this villain would be dumb enough to recite a monologue about conquering the world, then release the spell so that he could listen to the ‘final words’ of Charlie and friends.
The pitbull took a step back and outstretched his fingers, all while Charlie held his breath…
Black threads shot out of each of the pitbull’s claws, some piercing into Charlie’s body, while the others passed around him to target his friends.
The effect that the threads had on Charlie was immediate – dozens of new threads exploded out of his chest, as though his very being was unraveling in front of him. Each of Charlie’s threads extended out about two feet in front of him, and each terminated in a ghostly picture that hang in the air. A wolf, a human, a dagger, a mars symbol, and dozens of other images describing Charlie’s ever attribute were just hanging there for the pitbull to see.
“Hmm…” the pitbull mused as he sifted through Charlie’s threads.
“Yes, Snake’s Speed. This will do,” he said as Charlie’s threads all seemed to weave back into his body, leaving only a single thread with the image of a snake left.
“Now for the rest of you.”
The pitbull stopped looking at Charlie, and began concentrating on the other party members behind him. Anthrax or whatever his name was would fiddle his fingers, muse about how a particular thread would suit his purpose, then move on to the next person.
“Hah!” the pitbull shouted as he snapped his fingers, “and now to finish you up.”
Charlie felt a pulling sensation inside of him as the snake thread coiled back behind him. He could vaguely feel it wiggling towards his party members, and then, strangely, it felt like it was intertwining with other threads. Threads coming from them.
Charlie’s body began to slide backwards, until he felt his tail press into something soft and fleshy behind him. Warm blood began to flow up his tail and into the rest of his body as Charlie slowly lost feeling in tail. The numbness kept moving up until he felt his ass cheeks and thighs press up against another, fleshy set of ass cheeks and thighs. While he couldn’t turn around, from the side and flabbiness of the warm mounds pressing up against him, it was obvious that his body was squished up against Geoffrey’s butt.
The numbness spread to Charlie’s feet and soon, just like his tail, they too vanished into nothing. It moved up legs as they seemed to pull up into his lower body, the flesh slowly being reabsorbed into his torso. But perhaps reabsorbing was the wrong word, Charlie thought, since that would imply that the mass was being redistributed to his abdomen – which very much wasn’t the case.
Instead, he could feel his body slimming and lengthening as more ribs began to grow out of his spine. While Charlie had expected the disappearance of his legs to eventually result in him falling face first into the ground, the feeling of his pelvis vanishing, along with everything else below it, was also met with the a tugging feeling coming from the base of his extending spine – almost like his spine was attached to something else that was anchoring him in midair.
Charlie’s eyelids vanished fused into a transparent covering as he was forced to watch the black fur of his muzzle fall away, only to be replaced by brilliant green scales. Then the world grew muffled as his ears merged back into his head, leaving only small, scaley holes on either side. Next his forehead vanished as his entire head compressed into the blunt, narrow muzzle of snake.
His teeth retreated into his gums, only to be replaced by two thin fangs that tucked up against the roof of his mouth. His lips, meanwhile, hardened as thick scales grew over them.
Next came his arms. Just like his legs, first his hands faded into nothingness, then his arms slowly withered towards his body, before there was nothing left. Finally, his shoulder blades disintegrated, leaving him as little more than a head attached to a long spine, attached to… something else. Something that he wished he could turn around to see.
There was a burrowing sensation, as a new tube burrowed its way into Charlie’s body from whatever it was he was attached to. He could feel the tube growing up inside of him, replacing all of his internal organ, until it reached his small snake heart and lungs. They didn’t last long until the tube had absorbed them and his breathing stopped. His blood didn’t stop flowing though, as he could feel it being pumped through his body from behind.
Finally, the tube reached the back of his throat, and two strange sensations came over him. The first was his throat itself – it felt like it was closing up but, at the same, time, it became more sensitive and his level of awareness of it increased. Almost like it was now made up of a thick muscle that was stuck clench shut.
The next was his tongue. Charlie wasn’t stupid, he knew that he was turning into a snake. Like any other snake, he expected for his tongue to transform into the long, wiring tongue that he would be using to taste the air from now on – but that wasn’t what happened. Instead, his tongue felt like it was growing… blunter? He wasn’t sure how to describe it, but it definitely was not getting any longer. And, more disturbingly, although he could feel the thing, flat organ at the base of his mouth, he found himself completely unable to move it.
That latter bit wasn’t an effect of the paralysis spell. While he couldn’t move any of his body right now, he could at least feel the muscles and the potential for movement. But his tongue was different. It wasn’t that he couldn’t the muscles, it was that there were no muscles to move. It just felt like a small, blunt piece of flesh, permanently affixed to the bottom of his mouth.
Charlie was still staring out at the pitbull as the final changes finished and his body took the form that he would have until Finn saw fit to make it otherwise.
The pitbull clasped his hands together and shouted, “Perfect, you’ll make a fine combatant for the-“
The world seemed to pop out of place, and suddenly Charlie found himself in a cavernous room lined with marbled walls. Treasure was piled along the edges of the room, while in the center sat a sort of magic ball looking orb, next to which was a massive red dragon – Finn.
The dragon looked Charlie straight in the eyes, then with a deep bellow, asked, “are you all enjoying your new form?”
Charlie found himself able to move again, and he used the opportunity to coil his body back and get a look at himself.
Just like he had expected, his new body was that of a long, thin, green snake. Then he saw the point at which his sensation of touch vanished – his body continued back until it merged at the base of a huge, green, four-legged lizard, as just the point where its tail should be.
It had two thick, well-muscled thighs that led down to two feet topped with wicked, sharp black talons. Although its torso looked like it belonged on a crocodile, its posture was unlike anything Charlie had seen outside of the game – its legs were splayed out slightly to the side, but also still held the main body high off the ground. It wasn’t quite like the posture of an animal like a horse, but it also wasn’t quite like a typical lizard either. It was more like something in between, like a disfigured dragon or a…
Charlie looked to the head of the creature that he was attached to. Or, rather, the heads. Jutting out of the body’s torso were two long, thick necks, each topped with a decidedly draconic muzzle, both of which were doing the same thing that Charlie currently was and checking out their new body – the body of a hydra. Charlie had been turned into the creature’s ‘tail’, while the other two were its new heads.
Which raised another question – there had been four party members who fell victim to the trap: Charlie, Veles, Geoffrey, and Palseks, but only three of them were accounted for in this new body.
Knowing what that might mean, Charlie moved his snake body down between hydra’s legs, looking for a cock, ass, or slit, but finding nothing. He even ran his muzzle along the scales that made up the hydra’s underside, looking for a well-hidden vent, but all his nose pressed against was solid flesh.
“Uh, Finn…” came a deep voice from one of Charlie’s two main heads.
“Could you, you know, change us back?”
A loud chuckled echoed through the room, “No.”
“Finn, I know you’ve had a lot of fun with this game, but you’re scaring me.”
There was a pause, before Finn growled back, “you should be scared. Look at what you did to my boyfriend!”
Charlie brought himself back up from between ‘his’ thighs and looked around the room, through it didn’t take him long to spot the five foot tall, fox sex doll that was trying to walk slowly towards the dragon, but finding it difficult to do so as it’s rubber body wobbled and jiggled with every step.
“What am I supposed to do with this?” the dragon asked as it beckoned towards the doll. “It didn’t even get teleported back with any of the attachments, all it has is that vixen cunt that was stuck in it when I teleported it out!”
Finn plodded over to Jeff the sexdoll, picked it up in his claw and brought it up to his face.
“Useless!” Finn cried out as he tossed the sexdoll into the air, causing it to crash into the ground next to Charlie with a loud thump.
Seemingly unphased by the impact of its rubber body with the marbled floor, the doll just stood up, first looking at Finn, before turning its attention towards the hydra heads and finally towards Charlie. The two briefly looked at towards one another, each staring at the other with unblinking eyes.
“Finn,” one of Charlie’s hydra heads said, “you can just turn him back-“
“Its not that simple you stupid animal!” Finn cried out in return, before holding up a tablet.
“No, Finn! Don… rrrrggggghhhhh” Charlie’s head cried out as its words turned into the incomprehensible noises of a simple beast.
“Better.” Finn said, before turning his attention to Charlie.
The dragon lowered his massive head towards the small snake, “as for both of you. You said that you would save my boyfriend, but look at how he ended up! Who the FUCK thought it was a good idea to send my boyfriend out as bait when you knew I needed him? Me, the GOD of that world, for all intents and purposes?"
"We thought we or you could change him back!" Charlie protested with a hiss.
"Charlie." Finn said flatly. "At what point did you think using my boyfriend as bait was acceptable?"
"Uh...well, he was there and-"
"Enough." Finn clamped Charlie's reptilian muzzle shut between two sharp claws. "You didn’t seem to mind spewing shit back then, so I think that’s all you’re going to do from now on.”
Charlie felt his throat clench itself together as the realization of what Finn’s words meant dawned on him.
“That just leaves poor Palseks, but perhaps he can be of some use to my former boyfriend…”
With that, Finn back away from Charlie’s face, leaving Jeff the sexdoll to strut up to him. The rubber vixen turned until her rear end was facing Charlie, then began to slowly back up towards him with her tail raised, showing of both her gaping, wet asshole and tight artificial vagina that sat just below it.
That’s when Charlie felt a strange pressure in his tongue, which began to grow larger until it got so big that was forced to open his jaws and let it hang out. That’s when he saw it – sticking out in front of his muzzle was a flat red piece of flesh that ended in a smooth tapered point. And that’s when he realized how sensitive it was.
He could feel the blow pulsing into it, causing it to grow larger and more rigid with every heartbeat. It felt so tight, hard, and… needy, and Charlie realized how good it would feel to press it inside of the sexdoll in front of him.
“Yessss,” Finn hissed from a distance, “Palseks there will be an excellent source of relief for my former boyfriend.”
But Charlie wasn’t listening anymore. All he could think of was the moist cunt in front of him, and the hard cock hanging out of his mouth. With the sex doll’s hole just inches away, Charlie opened his mouth wide, then thrust forward as his friend turned cock entered his friend turned toy.
Charlie could feel the toy’s depths oozing inside as they wrapped around him, all while he pulled his body back and forth, pressing in until his jaws sank into the toy’s soft rubbery fur, then retreating back ever so slightly, before repeating the process again.
He felt the pleasure building up in his tongue as jolts of warm electricity surged through his head. The pressure built, the toy’s walls squeezed, and then, with a sudden burst, there was an explosion of thick fluid that flowed out along Charlie’s jaw, up into his tongue, and then out into the toy.
He could feel the blood pumping through his body – and from the satisfying coos coming from his body’s main heads, it was apparent that while his sensation of touch ended at the point where their spines merged, the same was not true for the body’s others heads.
Charlie pulled out, mouth still agape as his partially erect cock tongue hung down, dripping a mixture of artificial lube and hydra cum. Then, as the lust faded, he looked back up at Finn, wondering when it was that Finn was going to send them back into the game.
“Soon, but I’m not changing you back. I’ve had some other groups show interest, so you’re going back to live out your lives as that thing.” Finn said rather bluntly, “and yes, the Chronivac can read your thoughts, snake Charlie.”
Finn paused, before saying, “and yes, yours too, ass Charlie.”
“You failed in the most spectacular way possible, and failure must be punished.” Finn brought a claw to his chin, "I think it’s time that both of you got used to your other role, though I don’t want a mess here so…”
Charlie extended his body as far towards Finn as he could, then opened his mouth, only to find that his limbless, snake body was incapable of gesturing, and the asshole in the back of his mouth was incapable of making any noise.
Finn’s lair faded away, only to be replaced by the stone walls and straw floor of a stall in a barn designed for exotic animals. In the corner laid Jeff, the fox sex doll golem, but that wasn’t what concerned Charlie at the moment.
No, what he was most concerned about was the feeling of something big enter into the tube running through his body, as it slowly made its was closer and closer to his mouth. He closed it tight, hoping that might delay the inevitable, but the pressure in the back of his throat only continued to grow.
“No! No! No!” Charlie screamed internally, but it was no use. The hydra’s intestine only moved its contents in one direction, and as Finn rewrote the hydra’s backstory to include the cow it had eaten the night before, there was simply far too much of the cow left over for it to go to any other place.
Charlie felt his throat clench and he wanted to close eyes, but they were already closed. It just didn’t matter with his new, transparent eyelids. And as the bulk inside of him came to rest at the top of his neck, the smell of putrefied cow flesh began to build up in the back of his head before.
A blast of rotten air exploded out through Charlie’s nostrils and he prepared for the worst. All he could hope for was that Palseks was more of a cock and less of a tongue, and that neither of them would have to taste what was about to come out.
“Ha! Sorry Charlie, looks like you’re just…”