/tosg/ FAQ

Papaya Server

What's Papaya server about?

Same game, but released under a different publisher. Will be live at the same time as current Steam servers.


Don't know.

New players

What's Tree of Savior?

Tree of Savior (also known as TOS) is a free to play mmo developed by IMC Games, under the direction of Kim Hakkyu, creator of Ragnarok Online.

Is this game similar to Ragnarok Online?

Not at all, it has been called the "spiritual successor" but they're different games.

Is this game p2w?

It features a cash shop focusing on cosmetics and miscellaneous consumables that can be acquired in game with regular currency.

Is this a good game if I like to grind?

Yes, it's your usual korean mmo grindfest

It's easy to catch up with current players?

Yes, leveling is fast and it will give you enough equipment to keep progressing without much trouble

How's the endgame?

Endgame consists of PvE instanced raids (so you can gear up) and PvP (not really recommended until you've gotten a good set of equipment)

Returning players

I just came back, why I'm class level 1?

The Re:Build Update changed the way class ranks works, all characters were reset for it.
Refer to the link section for more information

Where can I find all of my items and rank cards?

In the "Retrieve" tab of the market place

What's the current level cap?


Is this game still running like trash?

The performance was greatly improved

Official Newbie Savior Guide

(quick introduction to tree of savior)

Official Returning Savior Guide

(explains the new mechanics that are now part of the core game)

The Re:Build Survival Guide

(quick, illustrated guide of what's the new Re:Build class system)

Leveling guide, Master's story quests and hidden classes unlocking guides:

(suggested maps for leveling, costume unlock guides and more)

Class, gameplay and farming guides


misc links/archive

old pastebins:

new players


returning players


Edit Report
Pub: 09 Nov 2022 23:15 UTC
Edit: 31 May 2023 05:00 UTC
Views: 1258