im sorry

I'm really sorry guys, i'm shutting it down. it's all gone too far, broken containment to drama streamers, and the schizos with throbbing hateboners for certain people have started treating it as gospel and dogma when it was only ever speculation.

i started pushing this rrat because i genuinely thought it made sense, humanized the people involved and gave them understandable motivations beyond being evil for the sake of evil, and i made the rentry to keep the narrative like that instead of spreading as a schizo bastardized version where certain livers are Machiavellian sociopaths. i guess it didn't work out that way and only signal boosted things further. if things die down or real evidence comes out that conclusively proves this stuff, I might bring it back.

i know some of you probably have backups and screenshots and I can't do anything about that, but i no longer want any part of it and hopefully at least the new version will stay /here/. it stopped being fun or productive a long time ago and started being a witch hunt. the idea of 30,000 people reading this and even 1% of them being schizo enough to take it so seriously they start harassing other people who may be innocent for all we know makes me feel sick and the thought of anything bad happening to anyone scares me. doki said she doesn't want anyone to be hurt and just wants to move on and this wasn't helping anyone anymore.

please spread love and positivity to those vtubers you love, instead of seething about people you hate, just unsub and ignore everyone else.

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Pub: 15 Feb 2024 07:33 UTC
Edit: 16 Feb 2024 12:26 UTC
Views: 4572