/slop/ Styles, Perspectives, Artists and Advice


{feature} isn't working!

Put the statement early in the prompt, put it in scare quotes, find redundant ways to state it throughout the prompt. Eliminate any prompts that might contradict it or cancel it out. If necessary you may have to change the style/artist to one with more precedent for the feature.

It only does portraits, not full body!

Describe the footwear in detail, describe the floor/ground around them, describe their surroundings in a way that forces it to zoom out, describe actions, like walking, that want to show the legs/feet. In general prioritize the surroundings primarily and the subject secondarily.

{artist} isn't working!

In general, artists have to have a certain high volume on the internet to affect the robot. There also seems to be a bias against living artists, probably to avoid lawsuits. Start with the simplest prompt possible to make sure you're not contradicting the artist's style with other prompts. Please point out artists that work well so they can be added to the artists section.

Negative prompts don't work!

Yeah, they don't unfortunately. Maybe in a future update. Until then you need to find positive ways of saying the same thing. And yes, Bing will try to tell you things like using double hyphens before a prompt will eliminate it, but it's lying.

Fantasy Styles

  • midcentury (50s, 60s, 70s) pulp
  • early 1900s Victorian fairy painting (e.g. Richard Dadd, John Anster Fitzgerald)
  • 1980s high fantasy gouache painting by the Brothers Hildebrandt
  • 1970s fantasy art, oil painting
  • Dungeons and Dragons
    • plus era (e.g. 1st Edition, AD&D, 3rd Edition, etc.)
  • Sword and Sorcery pulp book cover (e.g. Conan the Barbarian)
  • Faded oil painting, style of a fantasy book cover circa 1985
  • dark fantasy art, acrylic painting in the style of Frank Frazetta (+ tenebrism for an extra dark look)
  • atmospheric, mike mignola art style, mild colors, high quality dark fantasy painting with thick black outlines, low color saturation, line threading, and sharp edges

/tg/ prompts

Strategy guide

a page from a videogame strategy guide

Character sheet:

a high quality full-view top-to-bottom D&D character sheet with a small portrait space showing a <description>, name is "<name>", many roleplaying game stat blocks and several scrawled words

Monster Manual

Highly detailed watercolor concept art, sketches, book page, scientific drawings, text at top of page reading "[Subject Name]", larger central colored image of [Subject Description], [Background description], bookmark, Monster Manual

Monster Manual 2

Highly detailed watercolor concept art, sketches, book page, scientific drawings, larger central colored image of [creature description], text at top of page reading "Creature Name", bookmark, Monster Manual

Classic black & white D&D

High contrast. Dark lighting. Black and white pulp magazine illustration 1960's. Photocopy dithering

Tabletop miniatures

A highly detailed plastic wargame miniature professionally painted in bright colours standing on a small base. <Character prompt> It stands on a gaming table.

Virtual tabletop miniatures

isometric character token for a virtual tabletop. {Description of character}. colored sketch {optional artist or style, keep it simple}. round empty base

Tarot cards

stylized <arcana name> tarot card "<number>" written on the top, "<arcana name>" is written, <arcana name> tarot card, colored, <description>.

Multimedia Styles

For all of these, specifying the date/era (e.g. "circa {year}") is useful

  • anime (See also "Eastern Artists" below)
    • 1980's anime ova style dark fantasy line art
    • Japanese anime impressionist, detailed and intricate illustration, soft watercolors
    • a grainy cel-shaded highly-detailed reference photo of <x>, 90's anime
    • chibi anime art style
  • video games
    • {game engine} {year} screenshot
    • pixel art
    • 1990s N64 low poly sprite
    • hand drawn, watercolor, pen, fantasy, illustrated by Akihiko Yoshida and Junko Kawano, anime, video game concept art, colored
    • PC Engine adventure game on a CRT
    • concept art for Darkest Dungeon, digital color drawing in the style of Mike Mignola, dark fantasy ambiance, eyes in shadow, [character description], [background description (optional)]
    • heroes of might and magic 1 low resolution retro DOS screenshot pixel art
  • film
    • Kodachrome (or other film type)
    • Still from a low-quality grainy VHS video. 1970's fantasy movie with interlacing, colour aberration, scanlines and glitches. Seen on an old CRT screen.
    • still from 80s movie directed by paul verhoeven, faded, grainy.
  • other
    • {decade} movie (poster)
    • album cover (genre or decade) (also differentiates between CDs, cassettes, LPs)
    • book cover (+ faded, damaged, etc)

Historical Styles

  • medieval
    • Traditional early medieval painting, faded, damaged.
    • 8th Century Carolingian illuminated manuscript illustration of X
  • baroque
  • renaissance
  • romantic / romanticism
    • pre-raphaelite painting in the style of john william waterhouse
  • stained glass
    • realistic: stained glass art on arched window. mosaic style. surrounding stained glass window is {material} wall
    • base design: abstract expressionist stain glassed window, vector, minimalist, high contrast geometric shapes, vibrant colors, fantasy cartoon
  • print making
    • intaglio
    • engraving (+ hatching or cross-hatching)
    • wood block prints (e.g. traditional Japanese ukiyo-e prints)
    • mezzotint (creates a more blended, "sfumato" look compared to typical hatching or stippling)
    • copperplate engraving, kupferstich, slightly tarnished silver inlay, shining hammered copper and gold, turquoise verdigris copper patina
  • embroidery
  • dada / dadaist
  • surrealist
  • abstract
  • art deco
  • art nouveau

Basic styles

  • oil painting
  • watercolour
  • acrylic painting
  • printing
    • woodcut / woodblock / copperplate
  • etching
  • halftone (dotted effects used in comics to save on printing costs)
  • embroidery
  • black&white ink
  • illuminated manuscript


  • Eye Level Shot
  • Low Angle Shot
  • High Angle Shot
  • Hip Level Shot
  • Knee Level Shot
  • Ground Level Shot
  • Shoulder Level Shot
  • Dutch Angle Shot
  • Overhead Shot
  • Aerial Shot

Eastern Retro Artists (70s - 90s) (with thanks to /a/non)

If you use any of these artist prompts, please provide feedback on how strongly the AI recognizes and recreates their style. Mileage will vary.


masamune shirow - manga style but also glossy, colourful and hyperrealistic, digital but like an oil painting - good for near future scifi, mechs etc
akihiro yamada - light colours with strong linework, try pencil crayon, coloured pencil or inked watercolour - trad fantasy
hitoshi yoneda - same overall style as akihiro yamada - mixture of trad fantasy and scifi
mamoru nagano - more overtly manga style, ink & watercolor or pencil crayon I think, mention "five star stories" which is his masterpiece - mixture of fantasy/scifi
jun suemi - painted, I think acrylic but possibly oil, did a lot of book covers so maybe mention that - trad fantasy
shinobu tanno - near identical to jun suemi
tomomi kobayashi - colorful, manga style, light colours, watercolour, did the SaGa series (e.g. SaGa Frontier) so maybe worth mentioning - trad fantasy
inomata mutsumi - style is pretty cutesy like shoujo manga, watercolour & ink - modern fantasy/scifi,
yoshitaka amano - neo gothic style with some manga, watercolour and ink almost exclusively, very colourful but colours are muted/faded - fantasy and near-future scifi


yoshiaki kawajiri - neo gothic, heavy manga look, strong linework, loves big scowling faces - guy who did Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust, Ninja Scroll and the Escaflowne Motion Picture (watch these movies if you haven't), also the best Animatrix short
ayami kojima - neo gothic, more sketchy style with either pencils or inks - famous for the Castlevania games, mention Symphony of the Night
kinu nishimura - sketchy style, mention pencils, sketch, coloured - one of the main Street Fighter artists, esp SFIII: Third Strike
akihiko yoshida - sketchy style, pencils and inks - the final fantasy tactics, vagrant story, tactics ogre guy, so mention those
kentaro miura - sketchy, detailed, pencils and inks, "dark fantasy", "scan/screenshot of berserk"
norihiro yagi - very similar sketchy detailed manga like miura but maybe better for cute ladies, "scan/screenshot of Claymore"

"screenshot of"

record of lodoss war
vampire hunder d: bloodlist
escaflowne motion picture / a girl in gaia
jin roh the wolf brigade (modern near future scifi)

Edit Report
Pub: 22 Dec 2023 04:23 UTC
Edit: 08 Feb 2024 19:52 UTC
Views: 18682