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amie/marin, lesbian, bun/it (NO THEY/THEM) i am autistic with adhd and bpd, as well as a member of a DID system, all of which are professionally recognized. i'm very forgetful and bad at picking up sarcasm. i have a tendency to say things and don't realize if they're rude/inappropriate or not, so please take anything i say lightly. correct me if i say anything bad or ask me to clarify if i'm being serious or not direct your death threats or shit here


i don't have a strict dni just don't be super weird and shit. also i don't like nosanishi as a romantic pairing don't mention it around me or talk about it untagged i'll seriously injure myself (more on this below)

i make jokes about killing myself a LOT but please know im not being serious!!

the concept of gender does not exist to me and therefore every character i like or draw can be anything from non-man to non-woman and etc. personally i view some characters as genderless (like hikaru and nosaka) and as sapphic but this is of course my personal projection. if you dont like that, youre free to ignore it and perceive as you like or block me it, doesnt really matter. there are, of course, exceptions to this. for example, suletta and miorine from the witch from mercury, are obviously both sapphic women and they should be viewed as such. on a note, regarding nishikage, him being implied to be mspec does not mean he does not like non-men. you’re free to have your headcanons or whatever but i personally view him as bisexual and i like to pair him with norika and anna. you can argue you however much you want but in the end i will not change my personal views in favor of yours. additionally, do not view any art i draw as “genderbend” or “cisbend” or whatever. appearance does not equal to gender and therefore me drawing a character that looks like what you think is a “woman” or “man” does not mean they are that.

pairings (coroika) aloha/mask or rider, (es) midori/anyone [besides tetora], tetora/hinata or shinobu, (prsk) mafuyu/mizuki, (inaire) nosaka/anyone [besides mitsuru, hikaru, froy, or haizaki], (bbb) aiga/phi or valt, (helios) asch/anyone, faith/junior, (overall) anything incestous or gross. i'm very picky with pairings in general, sorry.
media ena (joel g), steven universe, MeMe (milgram mv images & song)
strong association with these fandoms coroika, milgram, mobages
misc (es) setsubun festival & looking glass, sexual assault, r slur

i will most likely not follow back if you like nishinosa or other nosaka pairings excluding nosaichi (mitsuru or hikaru) and nosahai. yes i acknowledge nishikage's canonical crush i'm just mentally ill to the point i get physically unwell SORRY

i don't really like being open about system stuff but it is important to know that i am a fictive of ichihoshi hikaru and as a result will project myself onto him. i'd love to interact with his fans more please follow me if you like him!!! and please do not interact with me if you hate him. i am also crazy about nosaichi but i am able to seperate their characters and relationship from a shipping viewpoint. additionally if you make hikaru's entire character about/have made comments about hikaru being nosaka's "dog" i will not hesitate to block you. as a final note i'd like to say that i don't hate anyone who likes other nosaka pairings i just have uncontrollable mental problems (aka it is impossible for me to look at such content without feeling physically ill due to my attachment to nosaka lol) and i'm really sorry if it makes me seem unapproachable!!

why am i blocked?

you associate with someone that has hurt me and/or my friends, you make me uncomfortable, or i just blocked you for a reason i forgot. please don't ask to be unblocked! if you are a nishinosa shipper and blocked, then i have blocked you for my personal comfort, sorry!!

Q1: Is there anything specific that you'll post?

nope! i post art & shitposts of all kinds of interests! this account kinda acts like a main though i initially intended for it to be an art account :P either way, please don't expect art posts exclusively or frequently as i am a student and disabled, limiting the energy and time i have to draw.

Q2: What media do you like? Do you have any favorite pairings and/or characters?

i loveee tons of media! to save your sanity (and mine) i'll make a table below!

this is definitely not everything i like, but what i feel comfortable listing! interests in italics are special interests

media pairings/character
enstars midoteto, ryuseitai, anzuhina, shin
project sekai any pairing between mafuyu, ena, minori, & shizuku, mmj, niigo, kagamine twins
beyblade burst & x hikaai/aikaru, poly (original) beyclub, ilya/raika, beigoma academy beyclub, z4, bc sol, gwyn ronny, x kurosu, nanairo multi
helios faibilly, east sector (MINUS ASCH), like everyone except for asch
inazuma eleven kienn, nosaichi/yuhika, ichihoshi siblings, nosaka yuuma, hiromido, goukaze, kidou yuuto, kiyama hiroto, kazemaru ichirouta, raimon, teikoku, yurika beor, froy girikanan (i like a lot of pairings with ichihoshi hikaru)
splatoon aroami/aloarmy, s4 + rider, agent 24, maskvin, team orange/pink/monarch
pokemon reguri, koujun/clingyshipping, alain (anipoke), cynthia, sinnoh, submas/lillie & gladion/like every sibling pair, serena/dawn/shauna

other than what's listed, i also enjoy various content creators such as purplecliffe, party crashers (tcnick3, vernias, sophist, king of skill), jaymoji, failboat, alpharad, fyrus, etc. and occasionally vtubers like hoshimachi suisei! i also like horror games like duck season and fnaf, cute pink stuff, rabbits, jfashion (specifically girly kei), shiny hunting and vocaloid. my favorite vocaloid producer is DECO*27!!

i am critical of all content that i consume

Pub: 22 Sep 2022 04:31 UTC
Edit: 04 Mar 2024 22:59 UTC
Views: 2951