@ghostflags rentry !

do not interact: basic dni criteria, aphobic, support mspec lesbians / gays, think men can be lesbians, tcctwt, support dream / dsmp, make fun of neopronouns / xenogenders, proshippers, ableist, say the r slur (idc if you're autistic or disabled, do not say it), demonize / romanticize cluster b PDs

you can use my flags but dni: edtwt, shtwt, nsfwtwt

i run blockchains and have 20k+ blocked. if you dont fit the dni, dm me to be unblocked

i dont use twibbon but you can make twibbons using my flags! just lmk so i can post it

cat paw pixel about me: hello i am ghost! im white tme, aroace nonbinary lesbian and i use he/him & any neos. i have autism, bpd and im physically disabled. and im an adult

i have a ccat if you have questions or want to say something!

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Pub: 04 Jul 2022 06:16 UTC
Edit: 09 Feb 2024 07:59 UTC
Views: 15007