Fallout 76 Resources
Please keep in mind that this is mostly transcribed from the pastebin; I do not play 76 very much so some of this information may not be up to date. If you have better information or better sources, this rentry can be updated or replaced.
FAQ & General Tips
What do diamonds mean?
The number of diamonds next to a legendary item's stats is the number of legendary enchantments it currently has. In 76, an item can have up to 5.
Here is a great website with lots of info on items and clothing: http://dulfy.net/category/fallout-76/
Is there a better way to use black powder pistols?
You can use your mousewheel quick-item slots for several blackpowder pistols to avoid the reload time.
Is sneaking good? Can I be a stealth archer?
Sneaking perks are op against PvE enemies. Crit related perks seem to be good in PvE and PvP.
What determines the cost of moving your camp and fast travelling?
How much it costs to move your camp is not determined by how many times you've moved it, your character's level, or the distance you are moving it, so how that cost is determined is still under review. But for me, it's usually between 8 and about 35 caps. Fast Travel costs, on the other hand, are clearly determined by the distance being traversed.
How do I enter pacifist mode?
You can enter "Pacifism mode" through the main menu Options tab. This causes your guns and attacks to not deal any damage to other players, so that you never accidentally initiate PvP.
What is Canned Meat Soup? How do I get it?
If you are wondering how "Canned Meat Soup" appeared in your inventory, it happens every time someone on your server completes the "Feed the People" event at the Mama Dolce's food factory.
I always seem to be overburdened. Why is that?
Be careful of several items that weight more than you might think. Stimpacks, Radaway, and Bobby Pins are a lot heavier than they were in previous games. Check those items if you find yourself inexplicably overencumbered.
Can I claim other player's workshops without needing to PvP?
Claiming a workshop does not automatically start PvP with everyone on the server. However, if they are in the capture zone, they can choose to start PvP with you by taking the workshop.
Can I use Sneaking on another player?
It is unclear if sneaking and having a [Hidden] status removes you from other player's worldmaps or not. People seem to think yes or no on this question a lot.
If you are looking for a particular junk item or resource node, this map has many of them marked: https://fo76map.com/
Some useful information regarding scrapping and acquiting item mods:
- Copper is amazing, it sells for a high price when bulked and is used in a fair amount of weapon/armor mods. Always get it.
- Aluminum is also used for a ton of mods, and sells for ALMOST as much as Copper. Keep plenty and sell the excess.
- Adhesive is always necessary for crafting and modding and repairing. Keep tons and never sell it unless you've got like 50 bulk or more.
- Steel and Lead are plentiful but don't sell well. If you use auto weapons though you always need a ton of each. Can chimes are an amazing source of them.
- Gears, Springs, and Screws are always 100% necessary because you'll never, ever, ever have enough. Grab every clipboard, toy car/truck, typewriter, desk fan, and the like. You go through them like candy when crafting guns.
- Plastic doesn't sell well but you need lots of it for certain armor and also it's used for bulking items, so grab it when you can. You'll almost always put it to good use.
- Silver and Gold are rarely needed but handy as trade goods. Keep a small amount on hand and sell the rest.
Keep in mind that even with Scrapper, you won't get any screws or springs or gears from guns you scrap. You learn new armor and gun mods from scrapping items so if you want a particular mod you gotta make a ton of guns and scrap 'em all. Always make the lowest-level gun possible for whatever recipe you wanna learn. The handmade gun, for example, there's no reason to make a level 35 or 45 gun when a level 15 is enough to learn mods. The lower level guns require less resources to make.
Whichever gun you decide to use, you want as much armor pen as you can get. Rifles need Tank Killer, Heavy Guns need Stabilized, Melee needs Incisor, etc. Lots of enemies late-game have lots of health and armor and anything you can do to get past that armor is ideal.
The biggest limiter in the game is carry weight. Travelling Pharmacy, Thru-Hiker, and Bandolier (if using .50 cal ammo) are all amazing perks. Strength is great but it only boosts CW by 5 per point so it isn't as strong as it was in FO4. You'll be overencumbered about 70% of the time even with lots of strength perks though.
Endgame has lots of nuke zones and shit so rad management is important. If you don't like PA then you have to use lots of drugs and/or hazmat suit to deal with rads. Drugs are fine but can fuck up mutations, while hazmat suit means you can't wear other armor. It's a difficult trade-off.
Specializing in one gun is best since damage perks only affect one type of weapon and usually require 9 points total. IE : Commando, Expert Commando, and Master Commando all affect automatic rifles and give 20% damage each, but each uses 3 perk points. So it sucks to try to mix and match between different guns.
Mutations are usually good. If nothing else Speed Demon and Marsupial are amazing. Some are outright bad based on your build, like you never want twisted muscles if you use guns but you totally want it if you use melee.
You can only have 1 chem active at a time so I dislike the chemist perks that boost chem duration. They were great in Fallout 4 but are worse in 76.
If you take Pharma Farma then you'll have a ridiculous amount of disease cures so don't be sparing with your radaway.
Rejuvenated is fantastic and it's incredibly easy to always be well fed and hydrated so it's a great perk.
Adrenaline's also another fantastic one, it's easy to build up stacks and packs a huge punch.
Utilities: Pricing Tools
Utilities: Character Planner
Utilities: Interactive Maps