Fallout 4 Resources

Please keep in mind that a lot of this was transcribed from the pastebin. I've gone over it once and updated some of the glaringly outdated or just flat out incorrect information, but I might not have gotten to all of it - especially since a lot of the mods here I, personally, don't use. If you have any corrections you'd like to make, this rentry can be edited or replaced.

Creation Club Content

A download featuring almost all released Creation Club Content; what is not included is from the most recent update (Apr 25th 2024) to the game, featuring the Halloween Pack, Enclave Remnants, and Makeshift Weapons CC. This link will be updated in the future.

Transcribed from anon's pastebin: With the Next Gen update for Fallout 4, the headers for .ba2 archives changed. This means that the new .ba2's for the new Creation Club content, or even the base game's .ba2's, can't be opened with the previous version of Archive 2 (crashes if you try to open them) and the current version of Bethesda Archive Extractor (nothing will show up in the window). I created a new Steam library on a separate drive, downloaded the new updated version of Fallout 4 and the Creation Kit, used the new version of Archive 2 to extract the .ba2 files for the new free Creation Club content included with the update, then repackaged them with the older version of Archive 2. This means that they can now be opened with existing versions of Bethesda Archive Extractor and Archive 2, and you don't need to update your game and break your F4SE to enjoy the new content. I did the same process for the latest version of the Unofficial Patch.
Fallout 4 - Free Next Gen Content for Last Gen
NEW America Rising 2 - The Remnants Patch - "VERY IMPORTANT: THIS REQUIRES AMERICA RISING 2 VERSION 1.1.1. THIS WILL NOT WORK WITH EARLIER VERSIONS OF THE MOD. Patch for America Rising 2 to integrate with The Remnants Enclave content that came with the Next-Gen update."

Official website: https://fallout4.com/
Official forums: http://forums.bethsoft.com/forum/40-fallout/
Bethesda Blog: http://www.bethblog.com/category/fallout/
Nukapedia: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_Wiki
The Vault Wiki: http://fallout.gamepedia.com/Fallout_Wiki
Buy on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/sub/199943/
Buy on GOG: https://www.gog.com/en/game/fallout_4_game_of_the_year_edition
DDL: https://gog-games.to/game/fallout_4_game_of_the_year_edition
Steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/foggot
/vg/ Catalog: http://boards.4chan.org/vg/catalog#s=fog
Thread archive: https://boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/Fallout/capcode/user/type/op/
Mods that have been removed or banned from the Nexus can be found from a variety of sources, splintered across the ether. First try looking at:
Modding Guide: https://themidnightride.moddinglinked.com/index.html
Old Modding Guide (kept for preservation): http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=752795517
Before asking for someone in the general to reupload anything for you.


Ctrl+F to jump to the section you're looking for.



The recommended mod manager is Mod Organizer 2. NMM Community Edition is ok. Not good, just ok. Vortex is trash.


Fallout4.exe Auto-Backup: Use this to auto-backup your different versions of Fallout4.exe, making it immune to the updates breaking F4SE,

Mod Configuration Menu (MCM):

FO4 Hotkeys: Hotkey any piece of equipment / consumable to any key. The MCM has been a late addition to the Fo4 modding scene, so a lot of mods (specially older ones) use holotapes for menus and consumables (that you're supposed to favorite) as hotkeys. Instead of doing that, use this mod and bind their function to a real key. Also allows you to manage all MCM keybinds in one location (its MCM Menu).

Fallout 4 Configuration Tool: Allows you to easily tweak the .ini files.

FO4Edit: Useful for cleaning mods or tweaking values.

Merge Plugins: Allows you to merge esps. Only useful if you hit the 255 plugin limit. Watch the entire tutorial. Note: Don't merge plugins if the mod uses .BSAs/.BA2s instead of loose files.

Shadow Boost: Dynamically reduces shadow draw distance based on your target FPS. Helps quite a bit with downtown boston.

Load Accelerator: Disables VSYNC during loading screens to reduce load times. Only effective on SSDs.

Load Order

Your whole modded game stands or falls depending on your load order.
You can sort automatically with a tool like LOOT (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1918/?) or alternatives, but when you have over 50 mods you really should start sorting manually. It's a pain at first, but invest time in this and you'll enjoy a crashfree and smooth Fallout 4 experience.

Here's an example load order from Fallout New Vegas:

Another example load order that works fine (Heavily modded TTW):

As you can see, all the ESM files go on top. You can not put ESM files below ESP files nor should you attempt to do so. There isn't much difference between ESM and ESP but ESM's mostly contain data that can be modified by ESP's.
Make sure your official ESM's are properly sorted before you begin with anything else.
ESPS flagged as masters behave exactly like ESMs and are loaded as such.

The ESP files are best divided into categories.
Just copy-pasta an ESP and rename it to make categories. Make sure you deactivate those ESP's in your mod manager before launching your game! An overview of the various categories can be found here if you are confused: http://pastebin.com/qzVe9rZK

Categorizing really helps you a lot in maintaining a good load order without much effort. Install a new armor mod? Throw it in the right category and you are done. It helps with fast and easy installing of mods, as well as with troubleshooting bugs. (A good load order means crash free, not bug free.) Do you want to know more or how to sort mods in their own category?
Just read this well written article: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Load_order_and_you

NEW! .esl files
This file type was first introduced with the Creation Club update, and so far, all Creation Club mods use this format. Unlike .esp files, .esl files don't count towards the 255 plugin limit. However, they are limited to 4000 form edits (meaning they can't be big mods). To activate a .esl file, you must add its name (ex.: modname.esl) to the Fallout4.ccc file inside the main Fallout 4 folder.

Bug Fixes

Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch: Bug fixes and other misc. changes. This was made by Arthmoor, so take that as you will and understand that your mileage may vary. Many mod conflicts are associated with using this mod.

UFO4P Modified: Modified UFO4P patches made by a local anon. Transcribed from his pastebin; note that the UFO4P team won't provide support for these versions because they're an older version, or a modified version of the latest patch. If you choose to use these, please don't bug them with any issues, or you run the risk of calling down the wrath of the mighty Lord Arthmoor upon yourself.
If you run these through VirusTotal, they will flag with Kingsoft as Script.Ks.Malware.12909. This happens even with a fresh download of 2.1.5, and after some testing, I discovered that it's due to the Main.ba2 not being compressed. The Main.ba2 contains sound files which will get messed up if you compress the .ba2 itself, so don't actually do that to installed version. This pertains to all .ba2 files that contain sound files. If you don't feel comfortable with using the patches linked above, you can verify this for yourself with a direct download of the 2.1.5 patch.
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - 2.1.5
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - 2.1.6
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - 2.1.6 with the Creation Club requirements/fixes removed, in case you don't want to use them
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - 2.1.6c
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - 2.1.6c with the Creation Club requirements/fixes removed, in case you don't want to use them

RAW INPUT - The Ultimate Mouse Sensitivity Fix: An "all in one" fix for mouse sensitivity.

Bullet Counted Reload: Fixes a bug where you would always load 5 bullets no matter how many times you had shot.
Alternatively, you can use Bullet in The Chamber: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/65834
Which has improved and additional functions.

Gatling Laser and Fusion Core Ammo Fix: Fixes an annoying behaviour of the Gatling laser.

Crimsomrider's Scrounger Perk With DLC Ammo: Adds Lever-Action Rifle and Handmade Rifle ammo to the Scrounger Perk so that you can find this ammo in the Commonwealth.

Console Name Fix: Fixes name display for objects selected in the console. Very useful if you're always messing around with the console and keep selecting the fog instead of the NPC you want.

Energy Weapon Calculation Fix: Fixes a gamebreaking bug that has persisted for most of FO4's lifespan, which makes it so that perks and additional modifiers do not affect the damage output of your energy weapons during the final hit calculation of the damage formula.

User Interface

Extended Dialogue Interface: A must have. Aside from showing exactly what your character is going to say instead of a one word preview, it allows modders to add dialogues with more than 4 options at a time.

Fall UI: We use this instead of DEF UI now. Don't be a square.

ECO, NEO, LEO: We use this instead of AKWCR and etc. now. They're way better and don't have the dumb bullshit strapped into it that the former did, causing so many incompatibilities. These are strictly frameworks.

FIS: The new item sorter. It's got blackjack, hookers, and better yet - compatibility.

HUDFramework: Allows other mods to add new UI elements.

Companion Status HUD: A HUDFramework addon that shows your companion's HP, AP and Stimpaks on screen whenever they enter combat.

Crafting Highlight Fix: Allows you to disable the vision-obscuring shader effect at various workbenches so you can actually see what you're crafting.

Rename Anything: Very useful mod for those that use sorting mods and want to recategorize something.

QuickTrade: Allows you to hit R on NPCs and open their trade/inventory window. Very useful in general, but also makes Automatron vendors work (they don't have a dialogue option to open their shop).

HUD Plus Plus: Adds some UI widgets to display detailed information of highlighted objects. It also provides some extra features to play holotapes and read notes directly from the quick loot menu.

Immersive HUD - iHUD: Takes the permanantly visible HUD elements such as compass and crosshair, and hides them when not needed.

Better Console: Makes console menu show extra useful infomation about selected target, like the target's name, ID, baseID, mod name and so on.

Overhauls (These are for the most part, mutually exclusive)

Horizon: A total overhaul of Fallout 4 that rebalances and expands the gameplay from the ground up. This is currently the most complete overhaul of Fallout 4, and it is recommended that you play it on survival mode.

Immersive Gameplay: Also a total overhaul of Fallout 4, this one is less complete but still changes everything from combat to the economy. The author is way worse at documentation though.

Pseudo-76: Use this if you liked some of the QoL features that 76 made over FO4, it replicates many of them.

Minutemen Overhaul 2.0: Adds a lot of new Minutemen outfits/armor, allows you to recruit Minutemen as temporary companions, adds a Minutemen Vertibird, among other things. Choose this OR We are the Minutemen, but not both.

We Are The Minutemen: Also adds Minutmen outfits/armor, allows Minutemen recruiting, increases Minutemen patrols, increases Minutemen wepaon and armor variety, among other things. Choose this OR Minutemen Overhaul 2.0, but not both. Can be used with AR2 and either Horizon, Immersive Gameplay OR Pseudo-76.

America Rising 2: Expands the main quest, adding a whole new faction to join. God bless America, and God bless the Enclave! Can be used with one of the Minutemen overhauls and either Horizon, Immersive Gameplay OR Pseudo-76.

Weather (Pick ONE)

Comparison between various weather mods:

Natural and Atmospheric Commonwealth: A true weather and lightning overhaul. Beware: some of the new radstorms and lightning effects are very over the top.

True Storms: Mostly a sound overhaul with some features like GhoulSwarm and weather control.

Vivid Weathers: More of a cloud overhaul than a "complete weather and climate overhaul".

Gloomy Weather: Replaces the default weathers with several new weather types that are predominantly grey or cloudy, with no sun or sunlight.

Nuclear Weather: Simply adds 8 new over the top weather types.

Texture and Graphics

FlaconOil's HD ReTexture Project in 4k 2k - Made from Scratch: Remake of dozens of textures and models. Also check out his other mods.

High Resolution Texture Pack - Valius - 2k and 4k: Several miscellaneous textures. A lot of overlap with FlaconOil's, so choose which you like best. Also check out his Protectron textures.

Vivid Fallout - All in One: The best landscape textures out there.

Ben Ephla's Textures: They're all good, but the terminal ones in particular stand out.

DPILLARI's Textures: Weapon retextures, with some Deathclaw and Super Mutant retextures thrown in just for fun.

OJO BUENO TEXTURE PACK for Fallout 4: Includes textures for a few machines and the Ice Cooler.

DeviousMeth0ds' Textures: He's made by far the best Nuka-Cola Machine texture out there. Unfortunately he didn't do the other soda machines, so they will look bad in comparison. All of his textures are worth the download though.

Chem Redux: Retextures all of the Chems, with optional glowing versions. Note that this has to be installed before VIS since VIS has a patch for it in its installation.

Bottles Labels Overhaul: Retextures all bottle labels, as well as waters.

Components Redone: Replaces vanilla components' meshes and textures with better, more realistic and high quality textures and meshes. Has VIS patches.

Enhanced Blood Textures: Does what it says.

Delightful Ivy - HD Vine Retexture - a natural and realistic green and brown plant overhaul: Retextures the vines.

Delightful Dead Fish - HD Retextures for the Commonwealth and Far Harbor DLC: Retextures the fish.

Clean Black Pip-Boy Screen: Removes the CRT look from the screen and makes it LCD-like. Good if your ENB is fogging up the screen or if you're using colored icons.


USM: Allows you to tweak your Survival Mode options to your desired cock and ball torture, so that it feels just right.

Auto Eat and Drink in Survival: Detects hunger and thirst level, then automatically eats and drinks proper food and water from your inventory.

Lore friendly survival chems: Simply makes the Survival Chems look better.

Colorful survival icons: A simple UI tweak that goes a long way.


VAFS - VaultTec Accelerated Focus System - Manual Criticals AND Bullet Time: Does what it says. Basically it's a slow time alternative to VATS that's fully compatible with all VATS perks. Definetely download this if you're tired of VATS or just want a new combat experience.

Arbitration: A combat AI overhaul that tweaks several aspects of the AI to make it more challenging.

Search and Destroy: This mod increases the length of time enemies will hunt for you, and increases the range over which they will detect and follow you.

Better Locational Damage: A different kind of combat overhaul that focus on damage to specific locations on the body (like the head), stagger, and other types of damage. This kills the bullet sponges.

Courser Crusher: An overhaul to coursers, giving them new abilities and behaviors, as well as restoring their cut weapon Institute bioweapon from the concept art.

Super Mutant Redux: Reworks the Super Mutants (including Behemoths and Hounds) and adds new varieties like Nightkin.

M's Abominations: Adds a bunch of new, disturbing monsters to the Commonwealth, Far Harbor and Nuka World.

Knockout Framework: When an actor should be killed by a weapon that is considered non-lethal, he is instead knocked out. You can then wake up, search, kidnap (or move, if crouched) said actor.
Non-Lethal Armory: Changes the behavior of all melee weapons in the game (only if they don't have blades or spikes) in order to make them non-lethal for most actors of the game.

No More Teleporting Creatures: This mod stops Molerats and RadScorpions from teleporting. They still pop out of the ground but will never go back under. Works with DLC creatures. A must have if using increased difficulty / detection range mods.

Take Cover: Take cover behind objects and automatically lean out to shoot when you aim down sights.

Live Dismemberment: Sometimes enemies will get dismembered when you cripple a limb. Chance is configurable.

Weapon Disarm: Shoot hands to disarm enemies. There is a Live Dismemberment patch.

Below the Belt: Allows you to target the groin in VATS. Use the "only Groin" version if you want Live Dismemberment compatibility.

Critical Hits Outside of VATS: Self explanatory.

Toggle Revolver Fanning - Wild West Cowboy: Adds ability to switch between fanning and normal fire mode for any revolver.

CROSS Crit Gore-verhaul: Adds new animations and ragdolls to deaths by energy weapons.

PACE and PANPC: A mod that completely changes the way the game's AI works to make it feel actually fun to play. Read a more in-depth explanation at https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Mod:PACE_(Pack_Attack:Companion_Edition) and https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Mod:PANPC(Pack_Attack:_NPC_Edition)


Collection of Nexus Weapon Links: If you want to download a lot of new weapons, check these links out. Below are some of the most notable ones, as well as several which are NOT included in those pastebins.

Crossbows of the Commonwealth: Adds a new crank-cocking crossbow weapon to the commonwealth.

CROSS PlasRail: Adds a new Plasma gun with several modifications. Also check out the other CROSS mods.

CROSS_BreakActionLaser: Adds a new laser weapon with several modifications and incredible looks. Also check out the other CROSS mods.

Fusion Gun: Adds an entirely new, high-detail energy weapon to the game. Over a dozen weapon attachments included.

Remote Explosives - C4 with Detonators and More: Adds C-4 and two other new explosives as well as a working remote detonator with new animations. There is a VIS patch.

Mav's Marvelous Weapon Mods: Several weapon mods that rebalance less popular weapons and add new mods to them.

Laser Musket Overhaul: Adds new mods from the Laser Gun to the Musket, to make it more viable at higher levels.

Useful Crank - Laser Musket doesn't require ammo: You turn the hand crank to charge the musket, no ammo required. Has a patch for the Overhaul.

The P-113 - A highly moddable heavy Plasma Caster: A Plasma Caster.

Alien Assault Rifle: An Alien Assault Rifle.

RedRocketLauncher: A Red Rocket themed Missile Launcher that launches toy rockets.

ArmLaserGun: A Mega Man style arm-mounted laser gun.

10mm Revolver Colt 6520: The classic 10mm pistol from Fallout 1 and 2.

M2045 Magnum Revolver Rifle: A very interesting weapon based on a concept for Fallout Online.

Better Automatron Weapons: Makes the weapons added by the Automatron DLC actually worth their weight.

YonaTaku's DefenseGun replacer for pipe-guns: Replaces the ugly pipe guns with the better looking DefenseGun by YonaTaku. Obviously requires the original DefenseGun mod.

AmmoTweaks: This mod brings back different ammo types, weapon condition, throwing weapons and other tweaks for weapons that were present in past games but aren't in Fallout 4. A significant downside is that weapon condition/ammo switching does not work with mod-added weapons.

Extended weapon mods: Adds new mods to several weapons.

Laser Weapons 1st Person Reposition: Reduces the size laser weapons occupy on screen.

Gun Smoke: Adds a smoke effect to firing weapons.

Button Lowered Weapons: Hold the holster key to lower your character's weapon, holster by pressing again.

Power Armor

Alana's Power Armor: Ports a bunch of Fallout 76 power armors into Fallout 4. Current ver. as of 5/28/24. Thanks for getting this for us anon, you're a real one.

Enclave X-02 Power Armor: Adds the Fallout 3 Advanced Power Armor MKII to the Commonwealth.

Hellfire X-03 Power Armor: Brings the Hellfire Power Armor from Fallout 3's Broken Steel DLC to the Commonwealth.

TRAIN POWER ARMOR: Adds a suit of locomotive themed Power Armor, with its own quest, dungeon, and boss to retrieve it.

TES-51 Power Armor -Skyrim Inspired-: Adds a Skyrim-inpired set of Power Armor. Also check out his other mods.

Submersible Power Armor Redux - BioShock Inspired: Adds a Bioshock-inspired set of Power Armor. Also check out his other mods.

T51c AirForce Power Armor: A new suit of Power Armor. Found at the National Guard Training Yard.

InstitutePowerArmor: Adds the Institute Power Armor, as seen in the concept art.

Vault Tec Power Armor: A bit on the plain side, but still a solid piece of armor.

Movable Power Armor: Allows you to move Power Armor frames as if they're woskshop furniture.

Power Armor Airdrop: Allows you to craft a Flare/Teleport Grenade/Smoke Grenade to drop your PA from the sky as if it's been shot at you/teleport your PA to you/call a Vertibird to drop your PA to you.

PAMS - Power Armor Movement Sounds: Overhauls the Power Armor movement sounds.

Power Armor Animation Changes: Changes the Power Armors empty stand idle to a "Heroic" idle, allows you to enter and exit Power Amor faster.

Restore Power Armor Frames: Allows you to restore power armor frames from dead bodies, separating the frame from the body.

Car Sounds for Power Armor: Self explanatory.

X-01 invisible flashlight remove: This makes it so the light coming from the X-01 helmet actually matches the eyes' shape, instead of coming from a non-existent round flashlight.

Raider Power Armor Chop-Shop: Overhauls the Raider Power Armor. Included in Raider Overhaul WIP, don't use both of these at the same time.


Alana's Emporium: A collection of outfits and equipment ported from Fallout 76 into Fallout 4. Current ver. as of 5/28/24, thanks for getting this one for us anon.

Alana's Pipboys: A bunch of paints ported over from Fallout 76 for the Pip-Boy 2000 Mk. VI. Current ver. as of 5/28/24, thanks for getting this one for us too anon.

1950's Feminine Outfits (Vanilla - EVB - CBBE): Changes the female version of several outfits to make them more 50s styled.

Raider Overhaul WIP: Overhauls existing and adds several new raider armors and weapons. Includes the power armor mod listed above, so don't use both of these at the same time.

Jagimet: A nice looking metal helmet and shoulder spikes.

CROSS Pre-War Cybernetics: Fully customizable cybernetic armor, unique armor mods, palette based paint styles, size options and more.

CROSS_Courser Strigidae: Adds a new Courser outfit with incredible quality. Also check out the other CROSS mods.

CROSS_BrotherhoodRecon: Adds new BoS clothes with incredible quality. Also check out the other CROSS mods.

Chinese Stealth Suit: Adds a fully funcional fully moddable Chinese Stealth Suit to the game.

CROSS Courser Recall Collar: A personal time-warp device that rewinds position, health, and even limb damage, several seconds backwards in time at the press of a button. Like Weaver in Dota 2, or Tracer from Overwatch. Also check out the other CROSS mods.

SuperMutantMilkArmor: Adds Milk machine Super Mutant Armor.

SuperMutantClothes: Adds a ton of new Super Mutant outfits. Goes great with SuperMutantWorkshop.

Synth Overhaul - C.A.S.T: Overhauls Synth Armor with over 70 new variety options.

Eyewear and mask retexture: Retextures and fixes the models for eyewear and masks. A must have if you want to use glasses.

Canteens of the Commonwealth (Wearable): Adds New standalone and Wearable Canteens to the game that you can craft and fill with water. Useful for Survival.

Craftable Armor Size: Light/Sturdy/Heavy version of armors are just mods on the armor that you can craft/swap.

Fixed and Optimized Transparent Institute Cleanroom Suit: Makes the Institute Cleanroom Suit's mask transparent and does several minor changes to it.

Concealed Armor: Adds a category to armor pieces called Visibility. Warning: Has been abandoned for a while, do NOT override ArmorKeywords.esp
Concealed Armor Automatron Patch:

Quests and New Lands

Atomic Radio and Tales from the Commonwealth: A pre-war radio mod and an Interesting NPCs type mod with several quests and dozens of voiced NPCs.

Maxwell's World: A DLC-sized, haunted amusement park quest mod. Fully voiced acted, with new weapons , monsters, multiple endings, new companions, etc. Probably the best big quest mod out there.

Ransacked Relays and Shuddersome Subways: Two new quests, dungeons and bosses. Also has new weapons and is fully voice-acted.

Beantown Interiors Project: The sister mod to Fallout 3's D.C. Interiors Project and Fallout New Vegas's N.V. Interiors Project, this mod opens up many of the boarded building for you to explore.

Lexington Interiors: Opens up over 28 buildings in Lexington. Has compatibility options for Beantown and Tales From The Commonwealth.

Keep Commonwealth Radiant quests within the Commonwealth: Does what it says. A must have if you own the landmass DLCs.

Nuka World - Skip raiding your own settlements: Does what it says.

Publick Occurrences Expanded: Adds more articles covering ten major quests and multiple outcomes.

Tina De Luca Voiced as a Settler (Dependency Revisited): Fixes the "Dependence" quest and adds over 50 new voiced lines to Tica De Luca when she becomes a Settler.


Improved Map with Visible Roads: This mod simply makes the roads brighter on the default map.

PipBoyShadows: Makes the PipBoy light cast shadows.

Companions Go Home: Let your companions go back to their original homes, instead of random settlements.

Eliminate Stupid Lines - Immersive Generic Dialogues: Similar to Guard Dialogue Overhaul in Skyrim, this mod improves the immersion of generic dialogues.

Player Comments and Head Tracking: This mod makes your character speak oustide just in dialogue scenes. Very configurable. I recommend tuning most things to LOW frequency and to disable the ones you're prone to hear the most, because the dialogue pool is rather low.

Safe and Trunk Contents REWORKED: Overhauls the leveled lists for Safes and Trunks.

All Nuka-Cola Flavors for the Commonwealth: Brings Nuka World Nukas to the Commonwealth. Load this above Wasteland Imports if you have that mod.

Visible Companion Affinity: Every time your actions affect the affinity level of your companions, the vanilla notifications are now followed by the current affinity rate and the amount that it is reduced or increased by.

Where Are You Now - Companion Tracking: Adds quest markers for companions that can be toggled through the console.

Worthwhile Cap Stashes: Revamps the Cap Stashes leveled lists to make them more interesting. Note: Will also affect the caps from Rank 4 Fortune Finder (cap shower).

Unbogus Lunchboxes: Makes the loot from Lunchboxes much more interesting, but goes a little over the top with it. The stingy version is strongly recommended.

Journal of the Sole Survivor: Adds a holotape that you can write to from your Pip-Boy or terminals.

Locky Bastard: Allows you to shoot locks, explode safes and kick down doors. Great if you're tired of the lockpicking minigame or just want a more stat-driven alternative.

Remote Hacking: Allows you to bypass the hacking minigame as long as you have the right hacking holotape. You can either craft (depending on your hacking perks) or buy them from vendors (very rarely). Using this method won't give you XP (but normal hacking still will).

Better Wait Menu: Wait more than 24h at a time, and wait faster (no more ticking hour by hour).

Faster Terminal Displays: Terminal text displays faster.

Loot Detector - Scrapper Corpse Highlighting: If you have the Scrapper perk, killed enemies with items in their inventory will be highlighted while you have your weapon out.
Loot Detector Automatron Patch:

Salvage Beacons: Placing one of these beacons in a container sends a team of settlers to come pick up everything you put in that container and lug it all back to a workbench for you.

The Mobile Mechanic - Portable Workbenches and Junk Scrapping: Portable crafting stations.

Wasteland Imports - Goodies from all across the Wasteland: Adds in items from previous games. A lot of them.

Automatron EyeBot Companions: Adds EyeBots to the Robot Workbench as proper constructible, customizable companion robots. A must have if you own this DLC.


BS Defence: This changes the calculation done when a settlement is attacked and you're not there to defend it so it's no longer random. If you just want to ignore settlement attacks, get this mod and build your defenses properly (otherwise after a certain point you're pretty much guaranteed to lose every time).

Shaikujin's Better warning for settlements being attacked: Pretty self explanatory. Will place a big box in the middle of your screen telling when your settlements are being attacked.

Uncapped Settlement Surplus: In vanila, food, water, scrap, fertilizer and caps production actually stops after you have a certain amount of items in your workshop. This simply makes it so they never stop producing.

Place Everywhere: A must have mod for settlement building. Not only does it allow you to place objects everywhere, you can also meticulously position, rotate and even scale most objects, as well as move previously unmovable objects. Carefully read the description and take note of the hotkeys.
Note: Extra object selection mode is very powerful and should be used sparsingly. Most unscrappable objects should be covered by the safe to use Scrap Everything below. Only use this mode if you know what you're doing.

Increased Build Limit Enhanced 4K: Adds an activation option to workshops to increase your build limit for that settlement. Note: The build limit is there for a reason and building ludicrous amounts of stuff will slow your game down. That being said, a moderate increase shouldn't be too big of a deal.

Capsafe: Adds a placeable floor safe that can automatically transfer caps, water and some other items from all of your workshops to itself. This means you don't need to go around every settlement to collect stuff.

Linked Storage Containers: Adds buildable containers that share inventory. So if you place one in Sanctuary and put weapons there, and then another one at the Castle, you can see the items in the Sanctuary safe and vice-versa.

Scrap Everything: Allows you to scrap many previously unscrappable objects. This can cause some issues, most notably with LOD. There are other mods that do this (such as Spring Cleaning), but this one is most recently updated and thus is the recommended version.

Settler Sandbox Expansion: Increases the radius value of the area settlers can go to, both horizontally and vertically.

All Settlements Extended: Increases the build area for most settlements.

Quieter Settlements: Turns down the volume of the sounds coming from generators, turrets, water purifiers, conveyors etc.

Where Are My Provisioners: Adds a quest target to each settler you assign as a provisioner, so you can easily track them down

Manufacturing Extended: If you own the Contraptions DLC, this mod will supercharge it.
Manufacturing Extended expanded: Multiple new additions and tweaks to Manufacturing Extended. Also check out the recommended mods.

Settlement Menu Manager: A new utility required by the latest settlement mods.

Sim Settlements 2: The ultimate edition of SS. Don't use it with SS1. It features both expanded Settlement mechanics and new questlines with fully voiced characters.

Settlement Management Software: Provides a lot of info and management options to your settlement.

Immersive Settlers: Automatically gives names to new settlers.

Settlement Teleporters: Settlements that have teleporters share resources as if they're linked through supply lines, and you can teleport between them from any teleporter. You can also build a Minutemen Alert System and the teleporter will send one Minutemen per connected settlement. The teleporter also provides 1 defense per connected settlement.

Settlement Supplies Expanded: Adds over 400 objects to be placed in settlements.

Homemaker - Expanded Settlements: Adds over 1000 new craftable objects, encompassing craftable versions of a great deal of the base game.

Settlement Objects Expansion Pack: Adds over 1500 new craftable objects, with both vanilla and new assets.

Functional Objects Overhaul: Adds over 2000 new items to the workshop menu.

Symbiotic Settlements: Adds around 100 objects that fit in with the post-war theme of the vanilla game. Note: requires the author's resource mod "Eisenwolf's Legacy".

Thematic and Practical: Adds several new objects in thematic categories. Currently includes: Trading Emporium (for caravans), Brotherhood of Steel (BoS themed build set), Raiders (raider themed build set) and Scavenger (similar to Symbiotic settlements).

Alternate Settlements: Adds over 700 new objects, mostly build sets.

Renovated Furniture: Adds over 350 clean pieces of furniture.

Simply Modular Housing: Lets you build your house from the ground up. Framing, Insulation, Inner Walls, Outer Walls, Slanted Roofs etc. It's basically a continuation of the previous mod.

Snappy HouseKit: Bethesda's building kits with snap points.
Snappy DLC kits:

CWSS Redux v2 - Craftable Working Showers Sinks Baths Toilets Urinals Kitchens etc: Does what it says. Also check out his other mods.

Better Cooking Stations: Overhauls the vanilla cooking stations with better effects and features and adds several new ones.

Modular Kitchen: Snappable kitchen parts with containers, usable stove for cooking and sink for drinking water.

OCDecorator - Static Loot: Allows you to place any lootable object as a static object, using a custom container (OCDispenser) or the normal settlement menu.

CREAtive Clutter: Adds over 600 decorations as workshop objects.

Functional Displays - Display Your Collection (The Original Display DLC): Adds a lot of new display cases, stands etc.

Do It Yourshelf - clutter for shelves and bookcases: Adds snappable clutter that you can place on its bookshelves and bookcases.

V's Stylish Decor: Adds re-textured book stacks pulp 50's style, birdcages, lots of static clutter items, tons of floral arrangements, pillows, filled bookcases and shelves and more.

Business Settlements: Adds a LOT of signs, banners billboards and shop supplies to build. Mostly signs though.

Busy Settlers: Adds 18 work stations and 86 animation rugs to keep settlers busy.

Housekeeping - Scavenging Deluxe: Adds several scavenging stations, ranging from doing dishes to disassembling robots. Like busy settlers, but they actually give you resources.

NorthlandDiggers Resources: New work stations that provide specific resources (concrete, nuclear material etc), as well as some constructible objects.

Ground: Adds buildable, block-shaped ground, garden and water. Goes well with Sim Settlements.

Build Your Own Pool: Allows you to build water and pool-related stuff. The water looks better than in the previous mod. Also goes well with Sim Settlements.

Placeable Grass and Dirt: Adds buildable, mount-shaped grass and dirt.

Brighter Settlement Lights: Modifies all settlement lights in four flavours: brighter, extra bright, long & soft, less harsh.

The Castle Fully Restored In and Out: Self explanatory. Fully repairs the Castle's walls and cleans up the interiors.

Vertidrones: Craft and deploy miniature Vertibirds (as turrets).

Auto Doors: Adds several door-related objects that allow for doors that automatically open/close doors, as well as lock them etc.

PCDug's Build a Wall: Adds set of tall junk walls.

Just Some Terminals: Adds 12 craftable terminals.

SnapBeds: Adds bed frames, mattresses and pillows as separate but snappable objects.

Workshop Synth Production: Allows you to make Synth settlers based on the appearance of other NPCs.
Workshop Synth Production - Fix: Fixes a conflict with WSP and F4SE as well as an issue causing synths to lose their names.

Compact Crafting - Mini Crafting Benches and Power Armor Station: Adds mini variants of the vanilla workbenches.

Filled Brahmin Feed and Water Troughs: Fills the Brahmin Feed Trough and Trade Caravan Posts with food for the Brahmin and adds a Brahmin Water Trough.

SuperMutantWorkShop: Allows you to get Super Mutant Settlers, and build Super Mutant furniture. Goes great with SuperMutantClothes.

Hangman's Alley Interior Apartments: Changes two of the buildings in Hangman's Alley to have interior space.

Mechanist Lair Overhaul: Fixes up the entire Mechanist's Lair and expands the build area to encompass the entire cell.

Transfer Settlements - Shareable Settlement Blueprints: Allows you to export your settlements into external blueprint files, share them with others or import them back to any of your savegames for any of your characters. This has its own category on the Nexus.

More Attackers - Get Off My Buildzone: Moves attack markers beyond the boundaries of settlements and adds additional attack markers around the perimeter of settlements. This makes it so attackers don't always come from the same spot, forcing you to defend your whole settlement. Has several compatibility patches.

More Cages for Wasteland Workshop: Self explanatory. Has an Automatron patch for more Robot variety.

Moddable Robot Settlers Compilation (Automatron): Makes robot settlers customizable at the Robot Workbench with the Automatron DLC.

Spawn Settler Button: Pretty self-explanatory. For testing purposes.

Trigger Attack Button: Similar to above, this mod adds "Trigger attack on this settlement" and "Disable attack on this settlement" buttons. For testing purposes.

Pub: 26 Apr 2024 05:45 UTC
Edit: 28 May 2024 23:10 UTC
Views: 8148