Cuteboy Fitness Guide (for Twitter, /cbg/, anyone else)
(written by @CatboiAoi, dm me on twitter if you have any burning questions about fitness stuff, please make it obvious this is the reason for dm'ing me too)

NOTICE: As with any fitness regiment and diet, please consult your doctor and do your own research before going through with this. I am not responsible for the choices you make, please use your best judgement in accordance with your own body's needs and your goals. Much of this guide links to outside resources, and on purpose; curiosity and your own research will lead to figuring out the right plan for you.

-Added @MilkteaMomoko 's fitness guide
- Mindset/realistic goals section added
- Quick start guide added (start here if new)
- More links to good videos
- Few more FAQs added

Table of Contents:
0.4 - DIET
0.5 - @MilkteaMomoko's Fitness Guide
0.6 - FAQ


The current standard for cuteboy fitness comes from shitty images like this:

For all of its...charm, that guide is lacking in detail and, frankly, it's wrong in many ways. For example, eating 500-1000 mg of semen a day may make you a cumslut, but it certainly won't give you a body like Astolfo. With the Twitter Cuteboy Fitness Guide, I hope to give all the cuties who want it a clear path towards health and body change.


Before I get into the meat of the guide, I think it is extremely important to temper your expectations with workout/diet plans. Fitness experts on YouTube, diet pill manufacturers, fitness social media influencers, and even a casual perusal of cuties on Twitter may give you the wrong idea about the goals of fitness and what you can realistically hope to achieve.

  1. Everyone can make healthy choices.

The number one goal of this guide is to have you make healthier decisions about your physical health. Healthy decisions repeated over and over will lead to aesthetic/cute gains. While your inspiration may be to look cuter, the actual focus should be to be healthy. The reason for this is simple. Cuteness is not simply a flat tummy or a big butt. Cuteness is unironically a lifestyle, determined by not only your tummy and butt aesthetics, but also your skin care routine, your clothing choices, your hygiene, your behavior and demeanor...basically all of you is what determines your cuteness. If your health is poor, it will cause problems in other aspects of being cute that will hamper your cuteness, aspects that go beyond the amount of fat around your waist.

  1. Being fit requires consistency.

The old adage that most people drop their diet and fitness regiments within two weeks of starting it is totally true. I think it happens because people expect results fast. However, being fit and healthy requires daily attention, and results happen slowly over the span of months. The first month or so of a new diet can be tough as you may not see anything different, and also the workouts will kick your butt. Keep this in mind, and know that there is light at the end of the tunnel if you keep at it.

  1. Being fit requires specific plans.

If you want to be toned, chances are you can do that. If you want to have a bigger butt, chances are you can do that too. This can go on and on for any physical attribute you wish to have. However, these plans are all general. If you want to be toned (a general plan), you should consider what it means to be toned (lower bf% and having muscle), then make specific plans to achieving lower bf% while gaining muscle. If you want to have a bigger butt, understand what that may take (ass workouts, not being too low bf%) and then do that. We will create these specific plans together with this guide, but it is important to realize that you can't just sorta eat healthy sometimes and kinda workout a few times a month and expect decent progress.

  1. Genetics and your hormones matter.

When you see someone on Twitter or at the gym or on the street, you are looking at the culmination of countless years of genes and traits being passed down. The end result is that every human is a unique size, body shape, penis length, eye color etc etc...The fact of the matter is that if it's genetic it will be very hard if not impossible to really "change." A short list of genetic aspects that determine your look is your body shape (search "endomorph mesomorph ectomorph"), where your body tends to store fat (does it seem to favor your butt more than other people of your sex?, for example), your shoulder to hip ratio, your hip shape generally, your height, and how easy it is for you to gain muscle. All these things affect how you look, and while diet and exercise can enhance the positive aspects and mask the aspects that your genetics may have been unkind to you about, it is practically impossible to look "perfect" if "perfection" requires some alteration of your genetics.

Equally important is the amount and sort of hormones in your body. This guide does not focus on anything relating to hormone therapy, steroids, or any other hormone treatment as I do not have real world knowledge of those things. However, it is important to note that taking hormones of any sort will change things like where fat is stored, how easy it is for you to gain muscle, and body shape. For example, if your biological sex is female or you are on an estrogen and you notice your lower tummy/hips/butt/thighs are gaining fat more easily than a biological male, this is because generally a healthy woman will naturally carry more fat on them than a healthy male, and they will carry more fat in certain areas. Men tend to carry fat in their abdomen area, women distribute it more evenly throughout their bodies. There are plenty of articles you can research about this phenomena to get a more accurate picture of how fat distributions and hormones will affect you specifically! I recommend you do so, as it will help shape your goals and the body you want to have.

With that all out of the way, let's get into this, shall we?


NOTE: This is my, @CatboiAoi's guide. If you wish, you may start with MilkteaMomoko's guide, which is listed at section "0.5 - @MilkteaMomoko's guide." My only comment about Momoko's guide is that your calorie needs are dependent upon your own body, so in my opinion you should figure out a healthy caloric goal for your own body so that you do not lose weight to quickly and in a healthy way. I explain how I do this later on in my section. Also, Momoko's guide discusses the use of HRT and other hormone related subjects. If you are interested in that, it may be wise to read her section, as my section avoids this entirely.

  1. Use a couch to 5k chart to begin your cardio, follow a 30/60 day guide on darebee to begin your bodyweight exercises (links provided below)
  2. Use , input your current body stats, how many meals you want to eat daily, 1-3hrs cardio (assuming you follow the couch to 5k chart/bodyweight exercises), newbie gains, and a nutrition type that appeals to you.
    From that, get your average calories burned daily, the amount of calories you need to eat, and how long it will take for you to hit a desired bf%, as well as meal ideas.
  3. Eat as many calories as told to you on the site above, as well as enough protein (about 1g protein per 1lb bodyweight, can be bit less) to fuel your body. Eat healthy meals with veggies and fruits, and don't skip meals! You need to eat to lose fat and maintain muscle, as strange as it sounds.
  4. Sleep enough (8 hours!), drink water constantly, and plan out all of your meals!

This is what my day generally looks like, diet/exercise wise; feel free to follow:

  1. Eat breakfast/lunch with good protein, drinking water lots throughout the day before the workout
  2. If necessary, have small snack (banana, apple, something like that) 2 hours before workout (or have meal 3-4 hours before workout)
  3. Do lifts w/ daily ab exercises (takes between 30 minutes-1 hour)
  4. Go run/walk/bike/cardio (takes between 20-40 minutes)
  5. Have protein shake/meal to refuel body

Couch to 5k -
Bodyweight Plan -
Meal planner/Calorie calculator -
Possible meal ideas - (be sure to measure out your food to figure out their calorie content, then go to MyFitnessPal app or google how many calories are in the foods you're about to eat and track them!)


Cardio is by far the most important aspect of your workouts from a general health POV. It burns calories and makes your metabolism hum, it'll make you feel amazing, it will help your heart health, you'll get some vitamin D if you run outdoors, it'll shape your legs...there's so many health benefits that it's basically mandatory that you do cardio daily if possible. You should get to a point (for me, it was after a month or two of training) where you'll be doing cardio for at LEAST 20 minutes daily.

If you haven't run in a while or are a beginner, I recommend this Couch to 5K chart: . In addition, I would slowly up the amount of cardio days once you are comfortable with the goal of being able do cardio every day by the end of the entire plan. While that seems like a lot of running, you don't have to run to do cardio -- you could and should also swim, jump rope, bike, jumping jacks, play sports like soccer or basketball or tennis, and if you wanted to get some low level cardio in so that you can do something every day, you could walk instead of run. Every little bit counts, and since cardio is super important, it's good to get it in as much as possible, even if it's walking.

In fact, you could walk on off days for thirty minutes to get a really healthy exercise that doesn't impact your body as harshly. Running is a high-intensity workout, meaning that it has a high impact on your body, especially your shins and knees. If your legs are feeling sore, it's best to not run and aggravate the soreness or cause injury; instead, you should walk, or swim, or do something that puts less stress on your joints. Only do what your abilities allow you to do, nothing more.

I'd buy a Fitbit or something to that effect so you know how much you've walked/ran. Don't be afraid to rest, stop for breath, or walk for a bit during your cardio! Cardio should knock the stuffing out of you, especially at the beginning. I recommend watching YouTube videos on how to breathe while running (very important so that you don't get runner stitches!), proper swim form...basically proper form with everything you do while exercising. That way you'll get the most of your workouts.

If you want to have a tight tummy and have muscle tone, you will need to workout. In fact, for aesthetics alone, resistance training is the most important aspect (behind eating healthy). Contrary to popular belief, cuteboys don't turn into masculine monsters by lifting a dumbbell -- in fact, you will want to include weights in your workout regiment so that you build aesthetic muscle and shape. If you're just starting out with weight training and consider yourself to be fairly weak, I recommend buying a set of 8-15lb dumbbells and using a simple workout plan like this one from darebee: . It won't get you super jacked, and it will teach you about important lifting concepts like sets, rests between sets, increasing weight/reps to get stronger while guiding you through each day. After a month or so of this, you will have a foundation of good push/pull dumbbell exercises that you can use to make your own workout plan in the future! Later revisions of this guide will include a more in-depth dumbbell workout for those NEET cuteboys who don't wanna go out in public to lift at the gym. For now though, these guides generally include full body workouts, including abs/leg days so that you can hit those two most requested body parts for cuteboys.

All in all, it will take 1-2 hours out of your day extra to do these workouts. This is a decent amount of time, but the feeling of being healthy, being closer to your goal body, as well as the general feeling you get from working out (runner's high is real!) will be so amazing that you may get very fond of working out.

0.4 DIET

I could go into the specifics, but for right now, I'm going to keep it simple. If you want to lose body fat so you're more toned and have a flat tummy, you need to eat at a caloric deficit (your body will need to expound more calories than you eat). To continue to eat at a caloric deficit, you need to eat generally nutritious food at somewhat set times. This does mean cutting out most junk food in your life, esp sodas, candy, chips/snacks, and replacing them with nutritionally sound and non-calorie dense foods, like most veggies and fruits and meats. Sadly diet is the most important part of all of this, but you will learn to budget your calories and love veggies and fruits in time.

You will probably need to learn to cook for yourself. Later revisions of this guide will include diet meal essentials, like chicken breast and veggies, and how to make them.

NOTE NOTE NOTE: STARVING YOURSELF WILL LEAD TO BAD THINGS HAPPENING, DO NOT DO IT. Not only will you cause potentially irreparable harm to your brain and your body, you won't be able to do your workouts, you won't have energy for things in real life, you'll be prone to passing out, you'll get weaker, you'll be more depressed... You must eat, you must eat consistently, don't not eat PLEASE!!!

For a super simple meal plan that will match your nutritional needs without you having to think about anything, go to (Thanks Scooby!) and input your information. You can eyeball your bf% using charts comparing people of different bf% online, but I'd recommend getting calipers at some point to be more accurate. For nutrition type, for now I'd choose something like Medium Carb -- it doesn't really matter, as you can change this later on, and this is to just get you aware of the work you'll need to put in, calorie wise. If you're following the above workout plan, I would say you're doing 1-3hrs strenuous cardio, and you'd get 10-15lbs newbie gains (depending on if you're a teen or adult, but adjust this to your body's history). Add in your goal (I recommend 15% caloric reduction) and create a custom meal plan!

The site will generate a meal plan for you (you can do lots of different meals if you start from the beginning and change your nutrition type), and you can see from clicking on the pictures how to cook those meals. These meals will give you enough protein and calories and nutrients in a day, for the most part. It's brain dead simple.

But if none of these meals are to your liking, you will need to figure out what meals to cook on your own. How you do that is by looking at the info on the left that says "This Meal Plan." There will be a caloric value, and that's how many calories you're allowed every day. (example: Try not to go too under or over that value when eating, and if you had to choose between over and under by a little, go over that value.

In theory, you could eat an average frozen pizza (1k calories) a day and still lose weight if your caloric deficit is 1800 calories, but pizzas aren't gonna give you good micronutrients or the proper protein you need, and there are better meals with more protein/calories that should be the bulk of your diet. You can still eat something extravagant once in a while like pizza, as long as you budget it properly! You'll also need to eat about 1g of protein for every pound you weigh so that you build and maintain muscle while losing fat. So if you're 125 pounds and your caloric limit is 1800, you try to eat near 125~g of protein within the 1800 calories your meals provide. Protein shakes, meat, eggs, and peas are great ways of reaching this goal without taking too many calories. Apps like MyFitnessPal can you help you find out how many calories are in raw ingredients/foods, and they can help you track how many calories/protein you've eaten.

Here is a guide on how to count calories and your daily nutrition, a guide that is better than anything I could type out: . Please watch this. It's a bit long, but it's extremely comprehensive and will help get you to self-sufficiency with your diet.

Later revisions of this guide may include meal ideas and how to cook your own foods!
0.5 - @MilkteaMomoko's Fitness Guide!

Preface and ramblings:

If you don't want to read, honestly just do every day and run or use an elliptical for an hour every other day and you'll probably do most of what you need to at least start.


If you're reading this guide, you're probably interested in learning how to develop and maintain shapely hips, waist, and legs. This guide is my own personal routines and experiences in life that probably led up to my current body shape. I will advise you right now to understand that these are the results of probably a decade of unintentional routines I did while commuting on foot daily to school and other locations.
If you'd like to ultra lean and muscle yourself into twink shape, there's probably a different guide that would better suit you to quickly amass gains and trim fat. If you want to be bone skinny, I suggest starvation, caffeine, and emphedrine.

For physical body reference, I am 175cm (approx 5'9) tall and 72.5kgs (approx 160 pounds). Some adjustment to routines and diet may be necessary depending on your build. I have access to a gym and ample time daily but yoga/pilates can be done mostly at home without any equipment. In total, an hour of time should be set aside for daily exercise.

For a weight loss diet, I maintain 500-1000 caloric intake, 80 floz of water, intermittent fasting using one or two daily dining times, and caffeine which I do not count under the caloric intake to sustain myself. I combine this with light cardio and yoga (discussed later). This shouldn't be done for more than 3-5 days in a row.

For a maintaining diet, I maintain 1200-1600 caloric intake, 80 floz of water. I combine this with light cardio and yoga. This can be done for as long as you can maintain it to be honest. I fall off this diet during social situations and weekends, but the most important thing is MODERATION.

I personally have three holy rules:

  1. Drink water, every hour. Get a phone app or timer or something, and hydrate yourself constantly. Drink even if you're not thirsty.
  2. Learn to discipline yourself. Motiviation to stay fit is fleeting and won't always be there, the discipline is reliable.
  3. Everything counts no matter how small, both good and bad, because it will add up in the end.

I also would advise that you should be patient. Things like exercise and health are a process and can take large amounts of time to display observable results. I also think that many people reading this guide are wanting to aqcuire sex appeal similar to me. I have to tell you right now that is an entirely different journey and this is only a rudimentary guide on slimming and maintaining a more desireable body shape, which is only part of the "wow i'm hot now" equation.

You need to get 8-10 hours of sleep per day to maximize results. "Researchers found that when dieters cut back on sleep over a 14-day period, the amount of weight they lost from fat dropped by 55%, even though their calories stayed equal. They felt hungrier and less satisfied after meals, and their energy was zapped." [] Much like diet, you can work your ass off in the gym but have poor returns if you don't supply your body with enough nutrients or sleep. I try and get 8 hours of sleep daily.

Daily Routines Guidelines:

20 minutes a day stretching, pilates, yoga routine.
This section is designed as instruction to "activate" your glutes, lean out your limbs, and strengthen your core. This is what I personally do daily; try doing it in the morning to wake up, or as an bookend to a day. Is it pilates? Is it yoga? I honestly don't know or distinguish it anymore at this point in my life. I just took what worksand kept with it. Anyways, if you do this even daily it's a nice supplement that targets thighs, legs, back, and butt. This will aid in developing your hips. While you can't just stack your fat down there you can muscle it up a bit and fake the shape.

Standing toe touch - 30 seconds (if you're already this flexible, focus on palms flat on ground touch)
Sitting toe touch - 30 seconds
Seated hamstring stretch- 30 seconds each leg
Butterfly - 60 seconds (I focus on pushing forward with my lower back)
Plank - 60 seconds (do this in increments of 30 seconds if it's too long to do in one shot)

The meaty stuff: (mainly for exercising calf, thigh, back, and butt)
Opposite Arm and Leg Reach - 15 each side. Start on all fours. Breathe in deeply and arch your back down when reaching out with your right arm and left leg, HOLD for 5 seconds, then retract your limbs in bringing your elbow/knee to your chest and arch your back up while exhaling. Make sure to keep your back, arms, and legs straight. Swap to your left arm and right leg. This is the meatiest part of my daily bodyweight routine, and makes my calves and thighs look fucking amazing. Also helps my back make a sick arch for when you wanna show off your butt.

Donkey kicks: 15 each side. Be sure to deliberately lift and hold the leg at 90 degrees with each kick. Don't use the momentum to lift your leg; the whole point is to place strain and use the muscles back there to activate the glutes and prep them for the squatting portion of exercise.

Squats: I do at least 10 a day, make sure to pace yourself and hold yourself in the squatting position for 3-5 seconds each. You can combine these with weights as I do; I sometimes use 10 pound dumbbells in each hand. Keep your arms at your side and proceed to squat normally. If squats of any type hurt your knees or strains your body too much, I reccomend just doing more donkey kicks instead.

Optionals/intermittent (at least three times a week for me, but pace yourself and stay safe)
Shoulder bridge:

  1. Begin lying on your back with your legs bent and hip-width apart. Arms should be by your side with palms down.
  2. Exhale to lift your pelvis and hips, creating a diagonal line from knee to shoulder.
  3. Extend one leg straight out.
  4. Bend your extended knee and then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise, alternating sides.
    I do 10 per session

Sideways plank: "Lay on your side with your forearm flat on the floor, bottom elbow lined up directly under your shoulder and both legs extended out in a long line. Feet can either be staggered for more stability, or stacked for more of a challenge. Engage your core and lift your hips off the floor, forming a straight line from your head to your feet. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds. Your top hand can be on side of hip (easier) or reaching up to the ceiling (harder)." ( The link goes more in depth and provides some variance for harder/more strenuous forms of the sideways plank for you to try. I do 2 sets, 2 for each side.

Cardio (bunny) section:
This section focuses on slow burning calories without putting on too much muscle. Is it boring to run/use an elliptical for an hour? Yeah but it makes your legs and stomach look great so we gotta do it.

Currently I go to the gym every other day and use the elliptical or treadmill for an hour. I am unsure of universal standards in resistance but I select level 4 or 5 and try and burn 550-600 calories on it (this takes me about one hour).

Waist maintenance note:
On either machine, I try and pace myself and twist my torso during any movement. I have no proof that this aided in making my waist apparent but I know that I did this habitually growing up, from ages 12 onward. I do not remember why I started but I know that at the moment I have a 27 inch waist. Maybe it will work for you but I also have a freakishly small ribcage so I have no idea.Another thing I started to do when I was 18 is pop my hips and ass out with each step, like as if I were strutting in heels. A little hip sway in your step should become habitual, it helps with shaping. Try doing it habitually during cardio time if you can.

I should also note I live on the fourth floor of an apartment complex and walk up and down the stairs really often because I'm restless. So take the stairs when you can.


So, forget all that phytoestrogen stuff. That stuff is bs. As far as I know you'd need something like spironolactone/testosterone blockers along with human estrogen hrt supplements to chemically feminize yourself. Honestly I just eat what I want usually. Meat is fine. Meat is good. You need protein when you work out anyways.

However, there's some simple rules I try and follow. Count your calories, avoid carbs and sugar when you can, and go to bed a little hungry. Drink a LOT of water if you feel empty. Just do some small things and work up to the big things. This is MY personal system and may not work for you. Dietary needs vary from person to person. I personally take a lot of vitamin supplements so you may or may not want to do the same. Sometimes I also just fall off my diet for a week and hide in my room, letting my body get pretty soft so maybe that also helps?
0.6 FAQ

How important are leg exercises in having a big butt?

Pretty important, although having more fat generally is what will give you a bigger butt. Generally (emphasis on generally, some people are genetically gifted), the less bf% you have, the smaller your butt will get. Even if you do lots of leg exercises, you won't get the same sort of ass as someone who has a high bf%. That being said, having a toned, round butt is 100% doable with a low bf% as long as you do leg day consistently. It just won't be a large super big bubblebutt, unless you have very good genetics for that.

When will I start to see my toned tummy?

Around 16% body fat, you will start to get a nice flat tummy. At around 12%, you'll begin to see some tone and muscle. At single digits, you're headed towards a six pack. Do not try to go for under 8% body fat without consulting a doctor, doing your own research, etc. You need a certain amount of fat to survive, and fat helps give the body shape and is therefore aesthetic in certain quantities, depending on the person.

What protein powder could I buy to supplement my diet?

I personally use ON's French Vanilla powder. I put two scoops of it into 8oz orange juice with ice, which ends up being about 350 calories, 50g protein, and half the time it tastes like an Orange Julius. Great meal replacement and after workout food! However, you need to get protein and calories from "real foods" most of the time for necessary nutrients, so I recommend only using protein powder sparingly and after workouts.

Why are you using a bunch of bodybuilding advice? Aren't you supposed to be a cuteboy?

Good fitness advice is good fitness advice, regardless if you want giant muscles or if you want to look lithe. There is a dearth of knowledge for how to eat right and how to work out properly for femboys. In my experience from various chans and forums, you're usually told to eat a lot for a big butt, or you're told to skip meals and starve yourself. Rarely is comprehensive advice given, and people are afraid to suggest exercise for fear of looking "manly."

In contrast, there is a vast ocean of knowledge for bodybuilders. It is only natural to look at those who have used nutrition and exercise to build their bodies for guidance in how to do it in a way that will make us a certain sort of cute. I recommend watching Scooby's videos on fitness for more on. Here's one that I think is short, simple, sweet, and applies to what we are doing right now:

Pub: 03 Feb 2024 20:54 UTC
Edit: 03 Feb 2024 23:59 UTC
Views: 1354