Intel Wireless AC-7260 tweaks

After fiddling with the wireless settings some more where I was previously limited to 30/40Mbps and would get 102Mbps through the ethernet port. I can now achieve pretty much the same speeds via wifi or LAN.
Here are my settings used in the Intel Wirelss AC-7260 Advanced Tab in the device manager:

802.11n Channel Width for 2.4Ghz = Auto
802.11n Channel Width for 5.2Ghz = 20Mhz Only
Ad Hoc Channel = 1
Ad Hoc Qos Mode = Disabled
ARP offload for WoWLAN = Disabled
Bluetooth = Enabled
Fat Channel Intolerant = Enabled
GTK rekeying for WoWLAN = Disabled
HT Mode = HT Mode
Mixed Mode Portection = CTS-t-self Enable
NS offload for WoWLAN = Disabled
Packed Coalescing = Disabled
Preffered Band = 5.2Ghz band
Roaming Aggressiveness = 1.Lowest
Sleep on WoWLAN Disconnect = Disabled
Transmit Power = 5.Highest
U-APSD support = Disabled
Wake on Magic Packet = Disabled
Wake on Pattern Match = Disabled
Wireless Mode = 6. 802.11a/b/g


Edit Report
Pub: 30 Jan 2022 06:52 UTC
Edit: 30 Jan 2022 06:53 UTC
Views: 670